- - -7 rn dUHnuwtuiu GftTHEfl DATA ON nniuMiin nni i rnr Mln i in u . K , K IIIIIIIIIBW WWh.-h.W. -.. - Governor Selects Seven Men to Investigate Agricultural . School of II. S. "f Sacramento. 'oct. 7. The arj tjmlntment of a corriruittee ofseven to "Investigate the leadinfj agricultural colleges of the United States and report to the governor beTore the convening of the Xorty-rltth session of . the legislature, as provided in a measure passed by the last legislature was announced a.t ihe offices of Governor Stephens. The following were appointed: , O. Harold Powell, I-os Angeles; W. S. Eu 11 fonljBu Ue jCi tyjLI?iwood; Mead professor of ruFaf institutions, IttiT-versity of California; James J. Hol-fister, Oaviota; Samuel O. Mortland, ' Fresno; Sheridan V. Baker. Santa Rosa, and R. 0.; Sproul, comptroller of the University of California. The sum of $10,000 was appropriated by the last legislature to rarry on the Investigation. The findings of the committee must con-' tain a recommendation of a plan to Improve the state agricultural college. INDIAN TWINS TO BE CHRISTENED BY CHURCH FOLK "The Mon-4nian twins, Julia and Edna Sherman,' who have been cared for during the past sev eral months by the Ladies Relief society, will be baptised at urn morning service next Sunday in the First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley. Rev. O. B. Grieg Of Ma- I r 1 'OI0C0LATI5 TheApjntctotedCandies" at leading drug and cigar stores . DUNCAN CO. f)lHtribitors 404 FJUEVENTII ST. OAKLAND flArn rnnntv officiating. Miss Julia Fraser, president of the California Synodlcal society, and Mrs. R. B. Ooddard wilt sponsor the ceremony. Miss Nita Jackson, Indian girl, will hold the tiny maid named In honor of Min -Fraser. Mrs. U. I. Cone, a former teacher in the North Fork Girls' school, where the children's mother was educated, will hold the second Infant. .According to Mrs. B. 8.' Edwards, secretary of the Sy-nodical society, the -Indian twins will remain with the local relief organization until they are old enough to return to the school at North Fork. Under the Mono tribe tradition, life must be denied to one ofa paijr orriFIris fiibrlTlo 'an inuiah motlie'r, the duty of making away with the child belonging to the grandmother. Otherwise evil falls upon the people. At the birth of the Sherman babies, -their mother died. An epidemic of Influenza swept the Madera county tribe. The 'children were , rescued by teachers in trie Presbyterian school and brought to Berkeley by Miss Mary Brees, a trained nurse. They were placed with the Ladies' Relief society. The Synodlcal Society of California, a department of the Presbyterian church, carrying on missionary work, has made itself responsible . for the Sherman babies. ... . Machinists Lodge to Hold Benefit Dance ' Oakland Lodge Nor 284,' International Association of Machinists, will hold a benefit dance at the Oakland Municipal Auditorium, Friday evening, October 7. The purpose of the dance is to relieve distress among the unemployed members. On 'The Sweetest Day of the Year" Say it with vwsv AT ALL DEALERS Unusual Chocolates BURDEN OF ARMS RETARD&WORLD JORDAN DECLARES Navy Is Greatest Hindrance to Normal Conditions in U. S., Educator Says. Luck: Y FOR KELLY WORK BEGUN ON RrMiss Saylor's, Inc., ' Hi hows Big Growth (".rowing from a small beginning, making home-made candy, to a mod- daylight factory, ' and a biisi- ith.i exJeadxag m Owj 4.f and West, has heen the Dr. .David Starr Jordan, president, emeritus of Stanford university, spojte in the First Congregational Church last night before the mem bers and friends of th His subject waa "Th the Limitation of Armaments." In the address, which lasted more than an hour, Dr. Jordan touched upon every, phase of" world affairs,; sug gested remedies for wnat he declared rPrn to be evils, and commended mat r wnlch he said was good. South HIS NAME WAS NOT YENHOFSKY CHICAGO, Oct. 7. A meek man with downcast eyes, standing besides Mrs. Joseph Venhofsky. was sentenced to jail yesterday, by JjI"deeJarpbs in .-.Municipal . courl after Mrs. Yenhofaky had told the court how her nusoand had beaten her unmercifully, it was not until after sentence had been passed and he hud been subjected to a severf lecture that the meek man, '. Frank Kelly, with Mrs. Yenhof-wky's aid, convinced the court that he was not ht-r husband, but was appearing in connection with another case. The court's order was withdrawn. STUDENT UNION BUILDING AT U.C BERKELEY, 'Oct. 7. After many years of planning, and more than yeurs spent in raising money to build the first unit if the million dollar" StudenU' Union TiiiTtrthg, actuaTWork war ti-'gun i yesterday. In preparing the site for the laying of the foundations, wreckers vwere at work razing the veterinary science building, which Is the old-ert at the university. Today ground will be broken on the cleared site. . : The. beginning of the work was timed for the week of the birthday . of Henry Morse Stephens, in whose memory the building Is to be constructed. It is expected that the J300, 000' -unit, which is to be the first of three, will be completed within a year. New Palace Shoppe Open for Business After extensive alterations, the Palace Candy 'Shoppe and Bakery, 1531 San Pablo avenue, has been under the management of The United States government mripnr- nf Misa t.w i-.,'.i holds a mortgage bearing 12 per cent jc'hooolH'.cs, Inc.. of ' 2420 Enctnal interest on every inausiry, large anu avenue. Alameda. The company opened small In tha fnltAit KtUtM flti the' ... . . l . . . ' - I nresent time " Dr Jordan declared T1'1', '"Kn-Rraae ooy- cnoco- ;ranies chavalM and Frank Manfre. present time, ur. Jornan ucciareu, )atos anJ a,h(Kn established onlv Thpv will make a onecialtv of the "and the interest and burden cannot VPH , Alamed-i hno mm. m ho 1 ' , . ma we a specialty or ine he shifted as lone as 93 oer cent of .'1. I " ... Z I ' ' . '' .'. .1 0,1 f.. lJe ; manufacture and sale of high-grade - uri uki i',rii i ii t in i i m ii iti it int j v. i . . i i. - - - - " vifiiuj aim iiiintiy kuui?, niui Lr;nili regard to Prench pastry. A foun- me iituiijr uiiev.ii: iwi h.acct fcuen .companies new and old war operations. we should be in the worst panic the world has ever known if it were not for two things. The Urst is the Federal Reserve act, and the second is that it would be silly for the only solvent nation in the world to totter along with the others that are. insolvent.'" NAVY CUKAT nt HDFX. The speaker declared that the re demption of Germany began when her navy was sunk, and declared that ; our greatest burden now is. the navy, j He described conditions in Kutope at the present time. Otu'r relations with j England are friendly, but the inter- ' ests of the two nations will perhaps clash because both export gold, j -Shipping rivalry will also obtain, i Germany, he declared, Is getting down to work on a sweatshop basis. , while France is-sacrificing her future j to keep .Germany down. . "I believe that we have nothing! to fear from Japan," the speaker I said. "I will begin to fear Japan i when I discover the first violation of j the Gentlemen's Agreement." ' j "China is the profiteers' paradise," Dr. Jordan declared. "Her future depends upon whether or not she can make the open door swing both ways." IRISIJ SITUATION'. Speaking on tr.ade relations between the. nations of the world, Dr. Jordan said the only solution is the free movement of all products" hot-ween nations. Ha declared thnt his ! sympathies were with both England , and Irefand at this time, and that he believed the solution of the Irish problem would come when England of California. for their corrections have come from Main ltinch will alpo bff served daily, foreign countries thu testifying . again to the nuality products. of California In Mohammedan cities Japanese wear red for mourning. For the Sweetest Day of the Year - v October 8th - Can you offer any gift expressing sweeter thoiightsK an a Box of Venus Candies -, BROADWAY, NEAR 1 4TH STREET Make the " Whole Family . Happy on Candy Day Saturday, October 8th Take Home a Pound of Sweets from Oakland's Newest Candy Shop : . Candies made fresh every day .,. '-i Our delicious candy and, confections will please the grovvu-ups as well as the kiddies ' The FRENCH PASTRY from our Bakery Dept. is famous. Specials Every Wed. and Sat. Light Lunches Daily Palace Candy Shoppe & Bakery ; 1531 SAN PABLO 22- . T, 1 . 1 J 1 i ' pai. Ireland . huiiuiu ue i;iveil a status somewhat similar to that of Canada, he declared. "If we cut down armaments we will reduce our expenses and our taxes," Dr. Jordan stated. "We will reduce a dangerous class and eliminate war scares. There Is never any lnck of danger of war when there are Brmlt'H and navies. A nation that the shadow without any eturn goes into war goes into the valley of ticket. The old motto, 'where nobody Is loaded nobody xplodes' is a good one. "Wo are getting tired of the pro-reSHioribf ciphers, of being in debt. We'd be better off today if the gov ernment would take a levy -of the' capital and pay off our debts and then start all over again. If theM r conference which begins on Novem ber 11 "does not settle our difficulties, it will at least Indicate to us what they really are." Oakland Invited to Peanut Candy Party "Peanut Andy," the' Martin M. Hoffman . company's famous candy man, is going to have a party tomor- r o wu-hft-4ftw n 4 For-teti-a b1 Franklin between' the hours of 2 and 6. "All Oakland is Invited to attend this reception In honor of National Candy Day, and every guest will be presented with an individual package of Hoffman's Famous Peanut Candy," said Mr. Hoffman today. There will be muslo by an orchestra of Hawaiian musicians especially eneagrfd for the function. Pretty girls will be on hand to assist the host In "entertaining the large crowd which Is expected to be present. National Candy Day, while a new holiday on the calendar, promises to be a red letter one from the plans which have been formed by those sponsoring It The Martin M. Hoff- rtnan Co. has been an active factor in the. arrangements, made to properly observe the day. ? "5, U o u p CANDY FOR THE KIDDIES nnar s to be 5000 Boxes of vanaies - Given Away Saturday, October 8th, National Candy. Day 4 -X at Our Store, 1309 Broadway BETWEEN 10 A. M. AND NOON Let us make it "The Sweetest Day in the Year 1309 Broadway $1 000 worth of NGF-EILL Chocolates ." tl lirtfl yv jj, Vi : fflj Hail, ye of the sweet tooth ! Tomorrow's your day at tne East Bay Manufacturers' Exposition. National Candy Day is under the auspices of the Cardinet Candy Company, Mabelle Chocolate Company, Lehnhardt Candy Company and Remar Company. Pay-son's Band and the Leo Feist Trio will be with us in the afternoon. Then there'll be a Magnavox Concert, Wireless Concert and at 4:30 Gate Prizes will be awarded. Candy, Music, Prizes n everything! worth of N0MflLL Chocolates, FFT LL. iL. o Afternoon Prizes FirSt prize Glove order for pair of Women's Gloves, Diablo Glove Company $3.50 COIWE GET A NOB-HILL ' ( ,rt v'i-ni - . -jm Ten thousand Nob Hills will be given away by the Cardinet Candy Co. Come and get a little hill of these delicious nut-encrusted rhnrnlatps with c ream fruit centers. You'll want to visit the Cardinet booth again and take home. one or more boxejjyjth you. Evening Prizes First prize Morpheus Mattress. , . Star Mattrew Company ...15.00 Second prize Box of Nob Hill Chocolates, Cardinet Candy Company . . 4 ......... S3.00 seconc num pnze- Rice -2-qt. Alumi- Boiler, West ern Aluminum Company $3.10 Third prize Box of Nob Hill Chocolates, Cardinet Candy Company . , . ... .$3.00 Fourth prize Box of Mabelle Chocolates, Mabelle Candy Company .$2.00 And Remember Tommorrow Afternoon SATURDAY Tomorrow Night Saturday Dashing toreadors, black-eyed senoritas, clowns, devils and petite Pierrette will all be with us. Rig up a costume and come masquerades in both the Dance Pavilion ihd Skating Rink. 7:45 Grand illumination of the Exposition grounds, 8:00 Prize Masquerade Ball opens in Dance -Pavilion. . " ' ' : IL IQ) " ip3" TIN - ,13 11 Third prize Box Chocolates ... . ..... ..$2.00 Fourth prize Fibre Brush, Baird . Brush Company .... . ..... 5?2.00 Door Mfg. Fifth prize Rubber American Rubber Mat. Co..?2.00 Sixth prize 3-qt. Convex Alum- Saucepan, Western mum Aluminum Company 5 orders for Sturges Rub-" ber Soles, Sturges Tire and $1.80 opens. 8:00 Prize Skating Masquerade 8:15 Band Concert. Pavson and his .Hand. -- ! -, V 9:00 Leo Feist Trio. 9:30 Grand March for skating masqueraders. . - 9:45 Magnavox Concert. ' 10:00 . Grand March Prize, masquerade ball 10:30 Drawing for evening gate prizes in front of Race Thru the Clouds. You must be there to win. ' T. ' ' . - - 11:30 Serpentine Battle. n i i s' ruoDer Company ... . . , 5 one-pound packages Long's,. Coffee . . ...... ,53.00 of .31.75 5 one-quart bricks of Mil-ler's Ice Cream, Miller Ice .Cream Company . . $2.50 3-pound box Chocolates . ; . . Lehnhardt's .83.00 DAC4NG SKATiNG CONCERTS Drawing ofGate Prizes at 4:30 in the" afternoon and 10:30 in the evening. Save losing tickets. chance on the Grand Prize, a Ford Touring Car, .. V Each is a