beat- RESIGNATION, ETC , OF COUNT r PHYSICIAN, H. T. LEOER. County Physician. H. T. Leg?r, pre-, sented bis resignation from the position of County Physician. On motion ot" Snperyisor Brown resignation was accepted. A resolution was presented extending to H. T. Legler a vote of thanks for his faithful and efficient services, and instructing Clerk to present copy of same. Adopted. A resolution was also presented abolishing the position of County Physicivn, and establishing tbe positions ot Physician and Surgeon of the County Receiving Hos pital, and Physician and burgeon ot tne County Jail. The duties of the former shall be the same as those heretofore per formed bv the County Physician at the Receiving Hospital, and the duties of the latter the same" as those performed at the County Jail by'the Countv Physician and to also attend outside indigents at the request of any of the Supervisors. The salary of each oflice to be seventy-five dollars" ppr month and the term of each of said officers during the pleasure of said Board. - Adopted. Another resolution was presented appointing for the position of Physicinu and Surgsoh of the County Receiving Hospital, M. L. Johnson, and for the position of Ph vsician and Surgeon of the County Jail, K. T. Stratton. Both resolutions were adopted.