JAPANESE CHURCH is Testnrday members ef th Japanese Methodist Episcopal church dedicated their new church building at th corner of Tenth and Wet street. Th building I of concrete of th latest style of architecture. The pew and Insbl finishing ar hardwood. Ther are two main entrances, one at th comer, th VI, ,1 V'l 1 ' ' ""CTlt v trance furnishing not only convenient ex... in th. ii,1ltnriim but .Ian to the rallerias, T rallerlea. Th auditorium may b. en-, Pnna-larged by openlna) glass doori to two Rondav schoo, room, below and two . The." ranerles themselves ar divided' larged a Info several class rooms and th pas- tor' study. Japaneee Idea of furnltur uplift-end ef flower arrangement and palntmg; and the cheerful flreplac mak It seem- nomeuae. i ne ouiiding waa erecieti ai a cost of l000, half of It being paid by American friends and half by the Japan-a neoole, DOORS OPEN. At the dedicatory service flundar af ternoon at 2:30 all door wer thrown onen and th seating capacity of th bnlldlne wa taxe.1 to th utmost I Th Iciral pastor. Rev. ft. Imal, pre-1 meet-sided. Th program were printed In both Japanese and Eagllsh and both con-lanruase were used. Dr. H. B. John- Christen-son. uoetintendent of the mission, was s missionary to Japan for seventeen vears Hon. M. Hanlharl. Japanese con- sol general, of pan Francisco, who delivered on of th addresses, spoke In Rngllsh entlrelv. Tr. John Stephens, Pastor of the First M. E. church of Oak land, offered th opening prayer and Klshon A W. Leonard delivered the ded- L.inr. u.. vt n v.ii nr..i. Icatorv sermon. Hev. M. 8. Vail. Presl dent of th Anrlo-Jananese school of San Francisco, led the resnonslv words of dedication. Th offerlne- was taken up br eight Jananeee deacons. The Vnuele was led bv a vested choir Of labt Jaoance women. They sang In Japanese nd Enellsh. Their Japanese hrmn wat recognized bv the tune as "In the Cross of Christ I Glory," and American friends lolned In the song, using th English words. SINGS SOLO. Mrs, 8. Takeshlta sang a sol with a violin accompaniment by Prof. 8. Ito. American friend also furnished music Miss L, Morrison sang a contralto solo and H. B. Kllng sang a baritone solo, with his mother. Mrs. Kllng, organist Manv Japanese ministers were present The evening sermon was br Rey. John Wright liurkman, L.D., on "Th Fatherhood of Ood and th War." But th dedication festivities ar not ended yet """" l " "in we oeuvereo oy . Rev. 8. KftwasMma on i "The Work of! Ood end Man. and Rev. Harvey H. I Guv will speak on "The Future of Re- 4C.v-. . . ... ! Tomorrow evening, to show their "T'.f11.0" 0f III? ,r,,,na h0 hv ss - slated them, thi Japanese people will slv a concert at the church at i o'clock. No ticket are required. Everybody la welcome. 1 i i t