hud- dally Intended for smllax and In this he has 12,000 strings of that beautiful essential to decorative work. He has an extensive trade in Callfor- exag- nia and ships orders as far East as Utah. H a Mr. Sanborn Is genial and courteous and Is worthy of the success which he now enjoys. H. M. SANBORN. One of the Leading Florists in California. Oakland, "the Roseland," as her praises have been sung by Joaquin MH- ler, has, for years found an ardent ad- mtrer of her floral beauty in Henry Millard Sanborn, the florist, whose place of business is at 517 Fourteenth street, adjoining the First M. E. Church. His telephone number is Main 576. He has been in the business since he was a youth and, during that time, has acquired a proficiency and; a prosperity which are the reward of application and a keen appreciation of the tastes and requirements of the people. Mr. Sanborn was born in 1850. He en- , tered the employment of the late florist, v H. M. SANBORN. James Hutchinson, who was the pioneer in the business in this city and whrt ostnhliahori ti!mn1f hr in 1R52. He early dIgpjayed jjIa aptjtude and hls aevotlon to the business and be- came noted flg desl f floral work . ucav..o, afl -onntor nt hnloA and . r utrtxu til ui srviuxruB vi uic uurai a.iia doTOi m Shortly before Mr. Hutchinson died Mr. Sanborn became a partner in the business, the firm name being Hutcnln- son & Sanborn. In 1891 Mr. Hutchin- son passed away, his Interest In the firm being vested in the widow. That interest Mr- Sanborn purchased In 1895 tnen ne ,ha8 conducted 4ne , . . business in his own name, being as- Sisteu, However, ujf a. iiuiirucir vl iaiya- hie emnlovsa who are real! 7 adeDts In floral work. The location of the firm's lace of DU3lness frr 17 years was at . r m.-L,.,,,.. southeart corner f Washington and Fourteenth street, but It was changf-d in 1832. to the present place, This Is within reach of the leading so- . trolled, and has heen controlled by Mr. Sanborn for many years. There is no flower or shrub which can be cultivated here which Mr. Sanborn does not raise. For, the purpose of incraas- ing nis resources, ne is ouuamg an au- dltional hot house adjoining his pres- lng his resources, he Is building an ad- ent salesroom and Is studding seven acres of flower land on Piedmont ave- nue, with other hot-houses, one 32x100 feet, two 60xl feet, one 12x50, one 80 xlz and a propagating house 11x50 feet He has a large structure espe- of C. . of