plans for west oakland Home tap day launched Waifs of Charity to Benefit By Sale of Pasteboard Squares; Institution's Work Increasing and Load Is Heavy Preliminary plans have been launched, committees are formiag and work of preparation tor a big tag day to be given for the benefit of the llt-tle waifs of charity who have found a harbor, at West Oakland Home is well under way. Xo definite date has been set, the officers of the institution deeming it wiser to get the first details well in hand first. The affair will probably be held about the middle of May, however, and public interest in the project is being warmly manifested. Several business and professional men have interested themselves in the enterprise and general aid is to be given the woman's board of the home In their efforts to build it up to the highest possible standard. The growth of the institution has been phenomenal. HISTORY OF HOME. The West Oakland home was first founded in the year 1887, and was known as "The little Workers." Mrs. K M.' McWade launched the project on a small scale in East Oakland, and with a half dozen younger women started the work of caring for a few destitute children, who were brought to their attention. From time to time little subjects for charity were entered on the open lists, until the number grew to fifty. Holding weekly meetings, which afforded an opportunity for sewing and planning for the needs of the children. the women found themselves confronted finally with the need for a shelter. Accordingly a house was rented and the little ones transferred to more spacious quarters. ' Public Interest being awakened at this time, the work grew and prospered, assuming wider possibilities as the days went by and the courageous organizers gained in experience. It was soon found necessary to move to even more commodious quarters and the site at the corner of Taylor and Campbell streets, which the association has since purchased, was obtained. EXPENSES HEAVY. The inmates at this time numbered 1 about sixty and the expense of main tenance was necessarily heavy, mak-ing it. at times, a serious question to meet the many bills. It was finally deemed .advisable to incorporate and, by subscription' and other means, to raise funds for the purchase of the home, the value of the society's property at that time being $8000. Articles of incorporation were accordingly drawn up under the name which the society now bears and the West Oakland Home took up in earnest the work of caring for, aiding and sheltering destitute, abandoned and neglected orphans and half 'orphans and children whose parents were found unworthy and unfit to' be their guardians. In 1890 so great was the progress of the work the accommodations were once more deemed altogether inadequate, and an addition to The building was decided upon and erected at a cost of $8500. The first payment toward this indebtedness was a thousand dollars donated by Mrs. Charles Crocker as a nucleus fund. Mrs. W. H. Crocker contributed a second thousand and the. Fnion Savings Bank took a mortgage on the building for the remaining $6000. The annex was formally opened in January, 1891. EH EOT NEW BUILDING. building with , Tri 1903 an entire new all modern improvements was erected for the housing of children under three years' of age, and the following year the main building was once again remodeled and an addition built. To meet this great expense a mortgage of $15,000 was put upon the property, $7 300 of which has since been cleared away, Mrs. W. H. Crocker contributing $2500 of the sum. The home was finally freed from debt in January, 1907. Every effort to keep the children healthy and happy and to provide them with suitable amusements and exercises Is made, and the bright faces of the little inmates in their fresh gingham dresses and smoothly braided hair is testimony of the success which has crowned the board. Except for the state assistance which is given children less than 14 years of age. the home is without steady income, depending on the ingenuity of its executive officers and public sub-so ri ption for support.-