HIPPODROME REPLACES LIBERTY ..fMi. When the old Liberty opened 'ysBter-day, after treatment with gallons of gold paint and other, decorative preparation that plaetered "VAC, its classical line, It opened a new chapter in theatrical history In Oakland. It's "The Hippodrome" now home of low-priced vaudeville and the signal for a competition with existing attractions that, means much to the theatergoers and much to Hie vaudevllllans who come to. the coast, - , For the Hippodrome will present what its management considers the cream of vaudeville new acts, feature films, and original attractions galore. It pays high salaries and charges low prices, and depends on big crowds to get its results. But it Is not in the financing of the new theater that the publlo is interested. It's trr the price of admlssl"n, the nnture of the attractions end... the. sort cf a theater In which they are housed. Many regret the passing of he Liberty and its traditions, and sigh for the old stock offering that the theater made It fame on. But economic conditions and Manager Bishop's Ideals of art did not coincide; and while all admitted that the liberty was an artistic triumph, aince the Exposition opened It has not been a financial one. Wherefore Manager Bishop has decided to attempt vaudeville for a while at least. I The Hippodrome attractions. Hayed fram now on in the Oakland hou.e. are the attraction of the Western Vaudeville Aasoclatloc, an organization extending Its ramifications Into New Vork, Eurone, and Australia, and handling b, large number of house, en th. Pacific coast, Representing the circuit. J. J. Mac- Arthur will be in the" local house circuit representative, .while J. A. Jack- son. Representing Manager , Bishop. will also b in the house. Bishop still controls the theater . controls in. "veaier " "The bill, will be changed twice a week. In lta' entirety. There will be six acta and a feature film. Joseph Levlngstone. I a well-khown musician. wUl direct the orchestra - The stag, manager win , Woerner. the man who Installed the Bishon revolving stare in the house, and th. electrician. before, will be J. A. xiclan, aa before, will be J. A. Charles Blair, who ha been ' Liberty .ince "it-opened, will .. .ta.e manaa-er. Jahnigan, with Y continue as stage manager. The theater bas been completely reno vated and redecorated, , Practically all the stage employe are till at the theater, and th. manage- ment remain practically the ame a under the old system, with only the box office altered . - -- The advent' of the new vaudevlUe house ha meant a number of changea in theatrlcal policies, and considerable in- terest Is attached by theatrical men to fh hannenlnir exnected when the bl the happen"1' cPctea wnen tne mg contest for popular favor among the lower priced theater Is tarted. - - 1