UM-M! GOOD! So says Charlotte Perry (left), one of the 30 inappy waitresses at the new Mayflower Doughnut Shop, ai her team-mate, Ton! Mori, profferi her a delicious Mayflower doughnut. M. U often pftofo. With Jh M.' Bonner, president of the Oakland Chamber of Commerce, cutting the ribbon, and with WajiOT W. J. MpCracken giving the new enterprise a clvte welcome, docri of the Mayflower Doughnut Shop, 1317 Broadway, will be officially thrown open to the public at noon tomorrow. , J. H. Frleflel of New York City, president of the Mayflower Doughnut Corporation, ownew of the Mayflower chain of 15 modern doughnut stores In key cities-from New York City to Oakland, will be on hand to welcome visitors. FIRST OP SORT Oakland's Mayflower store, first to be opened on the Pacific Coast, is in exact replica of the firm's store it Broadway and 45th Street in the Times Square area of New York, where, says Friedel, 2,250,000 dougn- Oakland Rates High at Table "we selected Oakland for our first Pacific Coast Mayflower Doughnut Shop, because statistics prove that Oaklandera eat more food ; per""' ' capita than' " any other - group oi citizens In the, United States," J, - H, Friedel, president of me m. a y- lower Dough- nut Corpor-- a 1 1 o n of -New, . York City, said today,. "And iff the dough- f nuts eaten I by Oakland ers year '1 nuts are served annually. Entirely Plac" '? In L.-jm. were J. h. friedel j ia pirn new In the West Is the store's window, of "two-way curvi" type, with a corner bend which literally creates "a corner in the center of a olock." At the long counter, and In the walnut-paneled booths with their red leather upholstered chairs, more than 70 customers can ba seated at pne time. The store, one of Oakland's finest, represents an invest-ment of between 80,000 and $70,000, friedel said today. In the window, a constant attraction to thousands of passers-by, will be installed one of ,the latest model , automatic doughnut machines,' which will turn ouf'2000 perfectly shaped, crisply-cooked doughnuts an hour 48,000 a day. This machine alone represents an Investment of $10,000, . OPEN EVERY DAY The new store will be open seven days a week, lrom 7 a. m. to 1 a. m. for service to patrons who wish to eat these delicious Mayiiower doughnuts In the store, or to buy them at th counter to take home. In addition, food stores and retail grocers throughout the Eastbay will be supplied daily, tnrougn i,angen-dorf United Bakerlei, :, . Shop Manager Is Oaklander Bert H. Rosenberg, manager of the new Mayflower Doughnut Shop t 1317 Broadway, which will be officially opened at noon tomorrow, la an Oak- ?'!'' Jand fcorn ' man who ; 'grew up' , with the t Mayflower Doughnut M rnrnoratlorL ft coming to ' Oakland af- s ter two v yean at f the com t pany'i big New YorH hop. "This, our 15th store, Is the finest we have yet built," Rosenberg said today. "It - ' " 5. i fcuMir iimir'ifi " ' ----atM BERT H. ROSENBKi.0 St. 1. wn will be eoen seven days a ween from 7 a, m. to 1 a. m. We will serve during these hours, many varieties of the nationally-famous Mayflower doughnuts, with equally famous coffee and the aame soups of which more than 2,000400 bowls are sold annually In Mayflower shops. "Our Oakland store has given immediate, remunerative work to more than SO employes, and our investment In the new store la between (00,000 and $70400, a large proportion of which has gone for the fine aork of hlghly-skllled Oakland 1s-aor on the store, furniture, equip-Kent, and other requirements." Responsibility for the entire set-IP of this fine new Mayflower store Jevelved upon Rosenberg, who to-Isy was. being complimented by President J. H. Friedel of the Mayflower Doughnut Corporation, on fee splendid results achieved. by side, it would make a 'doughnut road' 2890 miles long," Friedel added. "The doughnut business in the United States is valued at $60,-000,000 to $80,000,000 annually, and it 1s growing rapidly, due largely to development of the automatically-made doughnut such as sold at Mayflower shops." Friedel, native of Oakland and a long-time resident here, has been largely responsible for the develop, ment of the doughnut business, while another Oakland man, Roy Mauvals, 8710, Margarldo -Drive, president of the Deughnut Corporation of America, Is the Inventor of the automatic doughnut mathlnes which today are standard in bakeries throughout the world. - One of the newest models of these machines will be Installed in the window of the new Mayflower Doughnut Shop. "We plan to make 250 varieties of doughnuts In the store," says Friedel. "Some of the varieties will be apple strudel doughnuts, strawberry shortcake doughnuts, butterny aougnnuw, chocolate eclair doughnuts and nutted cream cheese doughnut The varieties will be changed daily. We even Intend to serve a special Showboat Doughnut, and atrange as it may seem, make a special of dough-nuta and a particular brand soup." CONTRAEITOR COMPLIMENTED The Mullen Manufacturing Co, 84 Rausch Street, San Francisco, were the general contractors in charge of all installation. remoaenniu ana modernizing the Mayflower Dough' nut Shoo's new location. The Mullen Manufacturing t-o. save sub-contracts on part of this work, plumbing, heating and ventilation was installed by the Scott Co., 113 10th Street, Oakland. The modern refrigeration system, which will protect all food storage was installed by the Cyclops Iron Works, 608 16th Street, Oakland. One of the most attractive fea tures of the new Mayflower Shop is the huge Neon sign which covers the entire front of the building and which was furnished by the Electri cal Products Corporation, Oakland. All milk, cream and ice cream to be served by the Mayflower Shop will be furnished by the Golden State Co., Ltd. The unique awning effect was achieved by awnings by the Bay City Tnt and Awning Co. of Oakland. The lease of the property was negotiated Jointly by the Lionel Wachs Company of Oakland, and the Blattels Realty Company, San Francisco, business property leasing specialists.' - CHEST GETS AID Entire proceeds of sales tomorrow at the Mayflower Doughnut Shop win be given to the Oakland Com munlty Chest for distribution to various worthy charities, according President Friedel of the May ower Doughnut Corporation. ! v 15 Congratulations to v riAYFLOWER DOUGHNUT SHOP, W welcome you as our new neighbor. Mi Z yH fvw m lm M 1 s ill v ; ! f, M f ' A mmmmmmimmmm.m . .,,.., . r. i LAN NY ROSS tsr of MAXWELL HOUSE SHOW BOAT, recommendi, for frlendjy itimolition, Maxwell House Coffee with Mayflower Doughnuts TIME: Tomorrow 12 Noon PLACE: 1317 Broadway (Between 13th and 14th Sts.) Come to the opening of Langendorf Mayflower Doughnut Shop. See a "gigantic doughnut kitchen" at work a kitchen with a capacity of 120,000 doughnuts per day. And such doughnuts! A welcome newcomer to the famous family of Langendorf. , Campbell's Soups will be served piping hot at all hours. No soup is so famous for its spar kling flavor, its rich deliciousnessV Enjoy Campbell's Soups in this lovely shop as you do' at home. , ' , Come in for a cup of freshly-brewed, mellow Maxwell House Coffee. It's good, especially with two Langendorf Mayflower doughnuts. Here is truly the perfect light snack Nationally famed foods served at their best. ' You know the, 12-point goodness of Langendorf Bread. Its creamy white texture. Its milk richness It8-oldfashipned, flavor. Langendorf Mayflower Doughnuts are under th e same quality label. That's why we know you'll enjoy these big golden doughnuts. Drop in any time! The Langendorf Mayflower Doughnut Shop will be a permanent institution an ideal place for breakfast, light lunch, afternoon snacks or just a "bite of something to eat" at odd hours from early morning to late at night. Come to the grand opening or visit the shop when you can. Our Entire First Day's t . . Receipts1 Will Be Given to the Community Chest Beginning Tomorrow, Langendorf Mayflower Doughnuts Will Be A vailable at Your Grocer Delivered Fresh Daily ,...n kzJ J DUERS 0 F-TME-DREAD The Following Firms Have Cooperated in the Launching of This New Enterprise THE SC0TT-C0. ' General Contractor Mullen Manufacturing Co 64-80 Rautch St. SAN FRANCISCO 113 10th St. : Oakland. PLUMBING, HEATING, VENTILATION GOLDEN STATE CO. LTD. Furmthtt AH Milk, Cream and Ice Cream Served at Mayflower Dcaghsat Shop NEON SIGN? Installed by Electrical Products Ccrp. 950 30th St. Oakland HU-9300 CYCLOPS IRON WORKS Furnished all REFRIGERATION 608 16th Oakland Factory, 837 Fohora Street, San Francisco Bay City Avvning and Tent Co. 4759 E. 14th , " Oakland' . . Furnished all AWNINGS ' 6a r iia.u cwri a ay