just south of the Freeway. in the community X-ray sur- the Dr. Snook said free minifilm veys. At High Street Homes, The chest X-rays will be given to Mrs. George Triplett, president field, church, persons 15 and over. Those who of the High Street Homes P-TA, will are X-rayed will be notfied of and Mrs. Edward Terry di- canvass the weeks. results in approximately two recting the Pilgrims project. A teen Fellowship group, the ium She said in both districts vol-lof the Auditorium Village Com- bile Oakland Tribune, Sunday, Aug. 7, 1955| Dr. Helen J. Snook, chairman|on Reade Road. Friday, 2 to 8 p.m., Fallon St.,,unteer workers are cooperating munity Church, is sponsoring| Free Chest X-rays Offered For Residents of Two Areas Free chest X-rays for resi-l'ered tomorrow through Friday, dents of High Street Homes and Alameda County TuberAuditorium Village will be of - culosis and Health Association. of the TB Association's finding committee, announced the following schedule for association's Christmas X-ray truck in the two tricts: Morday, 3:30 to 6:30 High Street Homes parking case- Tuesday and Wednesday, 2 to 8 p.m., High Street Homes the Administration Building, 470 Seal 46th Ave.| dis- Thursday, 2 to 3:30 p.m., Defense Court in Auditorium Vilp.m., lage; p.m., in front of lot the Auditorium' Village office. village survey. Rev. Spurgeon J. Maypastor of the community said the latter group conduct a door-to-door on Tuesday and Wednesday to notify AuditorVillage residents of the mo- X-ray unit's schedule.