Oil FI IS BURNED BUT Damag'e to Pacific States Refinery to Total Six Figures Germany's Exhibit Committee Dissolves BERLIN", Pec. IS- The collapsa the German Parliamentary movement In favor of official participator In the Panama Pacific exposition at San Francisco was followed today by the dissolution of thfl committee which has been formed to organize a great non-official exhibit. The, bureau Information for. those desiring t exhibit Is to continue In existence, but otherwise the scheme for a collective German exhibit is ilrael., The bill Introduced early In December in connection with an appropriation for the arrangement of an official German exhibit Is not to be brought up Hgaln for discussion. Engineer Hero of Fire; Tends Engines as the . Blaze LicKs Edifice Buildings Wiped Out a Thirty TanKs Gone Thirty tanks' containing oil valued at $160,000, destroyed. Nearly 200 men fought blaze, which continued without cessation twenty-two hours. One motor truck and two wagons were burned. Four buildings completely wiped out. . Two oil cars almost totally de. stroyed. . Breakwater damaged to the extent of several thousand dollars. Fitzgerald Gut of Boston Mayoralty Race BOSTON. Pec. Is Mayor John Fitzgerald announced last night Ms withdrawal from the mayoralty content. An ilhiees which kept htm In- bed ten days after he collapsed suddenly while making a personal Investigation of the Arcadia Lodging House fire, Is given as -the .reason for his action. It is said that the mayor has no organic trouble and that after a rest he will be himself again. The Illness came In the mliist of a campaign for re-election !n which the mayor was opposed by five candidates. Finds B. & M. Road Condition Desperate BOSTON. Deo. IS. "The situation l a desperate one," said Howard Klliott, chairman of the board of directors of the New York, . New Haven and Hartford railroad last night with refeienc.e to the finances of the Boston and Maine railroad. This declarations waa made after meeting of the JJoston and Mains directors, at which means of renewing lid nno fine of outstanding nctes. which firemen who all nTgfct waged battle with i will soon' fall due. were considered. No the huge tannsJf burlnng oil, the Are I definite conclusion was reached, which yesterdar morning at 7:S0 o'clock broka out In the plant of the Faclno'FAIR AND TALENTED. BUT 7... . I , " ' jh xicmierr v-ouipany, it r.vai Through the Cert of several score of I Tenth street and Fruitvale avenue was prevented from spreading to a 10,000 gallon tank ,f benzine and other combustible property In the Immediate vicinity, and this morning at I o'clock the oil In the burning tanks became exhausted and the fire ended. Twenty small tanks. Whteh R was thought had been destroyed during yesterday's conflagration were found to be intact and undamaged as were ten others located In the north eastern end of the plant The ALLEGED CHECK KITER SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 18. Aftgr they had deposited $600 in the Crocker National bank, presumably In an- tlclpation of reaping a rich harvest j In this city, Nellie Putnian, alias Lulu Rogers, pretty, talented and rated 1 one of the cleverest bad check operators that ever worked on the coast, i and her companion, C. Campbell Den- 1 ... . ivara u rrout.nl In tliAli enart. asphalt I t tho TJnl OIn Tnrlc and anao, comninr several inousana osrreis Magon streets, last night. They are ef asphalt and tar was untouched by the I be, held b the ,ocal poIlc6 for th, flames, as was the. blacksmith., shop, the Log ngeies authorities, pipe room, tbKlMilpro0i..evral The pajn according to a police clr-ninor sheds. 'cular from the southern city -by which Besides some thirty tank, containing j they were identified by Detectives De oil, petroleum and benzine, and valued ap- La Ouerra and Black, worked. Los proximately at $150,000, other sections of J Angeles merchants for thousands of the plant destroyed Included two dlstrlb- dollars, and did a like business in uting wagons, one motor truck, pump Portland, running Into the thousands. house, office, boxing shed and casing de- I e partment. Two oil cars were also burned ' REWARD OFFERED FOR THOUSANDS SEE FIGHT. The battle between firemen, and flames during the night was witnessed by thousands of people from all parts of the city who congregated In the vicinity. Swept by a high wind, the flames would at times leap across a space of nearly 75 feet to the bis; 10,000 gallon benslns tank, and turn the streams of water, which : -. n . '"' cUlell wlth placards offering a fifty-dollar into volume, of hissing steam. At times , the discovery .'IV .efn:lT? 'P; o' th. lad, The boy. according to the . t. " ' ' ,, . -Ij , j charge made on the placards, was kld- naped. The league Is working on the i case at the behest of the lad's uncle, J R. W. Burton, business agent of the San I Francisco - Moulder's union. CLEW REGARDING LAD Seeking the whereabouts of Edward Gleaner, a sixteen-year-old boy arrested during the Wheatland hop riots, and who, after his release from prison, disappeared, the Internationa Workmen's Protective League, through' their attorney;- Austin Lewis of Oakland, have flooded the bay that the flames would succeed In Igniting the shed eontallnng the asphaltum. As the evening progressed, however, the oil in the tanks gradually became exhausted and when the largest tank, containing 150,000 gallons, vomited forth , Its last breath of flame shortly after midnight, the danger of further damage was practically over. ; Th breakwater, constructed along the Inner estuary at this point, which guides the water of Frultvale creek higher up in the Inner stream, was severely-damaged by the flames, and will probably have to be reinforced. This repair work will amount to several thousand dollars, although the exact figures cannot be learned until official investigation has been made. ' ENGINEER IS HERO. While the fire was at its height yes terday,, and little hope was held for the p According to a statement given out by Lewis' office today the boy was released by the Yuba county district attorney after being held nearly two months. When he left the offices of the attorney, two Burns detectives followed". him out, says Lewis, and the boy was never heard of again. heard a whimper. He opened the door, and saw within several yards of the flames the pet of the workmen, a fox terrier dog named "Nellie." Dougherty called to the dog. but the animal was too frightened to move. Then Dougherty left his engines for a moment. In that mo ment he picked up the tiny dog and car rled it tenderly Into the engine room. safety of any part of the plant. Engineer where he soon quieted Its fears. Edward Dougherty remained undisturbed Both W. Lang, president of the cora-In bis engine room, tending his engines. ; pany and superintendent M. J. Halloran. Ts keep steam iu the pipes meant the j stated today that it would be some time minimizing of the danger of explosions, before the exact amount of damage could and Dougherty waa not the man to de- be determined. Both admitted-'bP It aert. As he worked about his engine he would run Into six figure. :;V