SALVATION ARM! " RESCUE HOI TO RE DEDICATED Plans are nearlng .completion for II - , ' " ! V- O li the ceremony which -will mark the v . (, Zri? r2 II aeciicaiion or the new Muvation II vv- r't..' ' ' - .!K"C : ' illa East Twemy-eMh sVrVs next .,J? 11 .V ?M II 'XT' - - J VJ W -j. nfl ' i?Jt I I. vh?r 'WtfH ri tifi -ti i lis. mat i N ' . CHILD IN COURT L,; . , 7 WHEN PARENTS Tuesdav afternoon. Commandcr Evangeline Booth, national commander of the Salvation Army, will be the' principal speaker. She arrived In San Francisco yesterday In connection with the western conference of the organization. "-.' The completion of the Rescue Home Is the result of years of endeavor directed by the Elks of this city, and the formal dedication or the big structure will .be participated in by city and county officials and many organizations. The home has been made possible bV donations obtained under the guidance of the Elks. It will bo ono ot tne mui. modern Institutions owned and operated by the. Salvation Army in the United States and will be devoted to the care and welfare of young girls. HOME WELL EQUIPPED. The building cost $130,000, exclusive of the purchase price of the lot which is approximately 20.0 by 400 'feet The furnishings will cost approximately $30,000. It will be possible to care for eighty patients and eighty ipfants. It has eight private rooms, each room containing two beds. It incorporates every modern convenience, including a heating system, sanitary kitchens and laundry, 'a bakery, isolation ward, hospital, operating room, nursery, library, recreation, sewing and reception rooms, cold storage plant, commissary and complete quarters for the Institution's staff.- "Every precaution has been taken to make the building absolutely fireproof," Maury I. Diggs, architect for the hospital, said today. "The new maternity home Is a credit to the people of the Eastbay district, whose subscriptions in the Salvation Army drives made It possible. The building as constructed may be rated as one of the most complete structures of its kind in the West." WILL BE -HONOR GCEST. Prior to the dedication of the building Commander Booth will be the guest of honor at a luncheon at the Hotel Oakland. It has been arranged by the local division of the army. John L. McNab, head of the state advisory committee of the or- nnlrallnn will Dreside. Commander -Booth will be the guest of honor at a luncheon ofis given her tomorrow. In thePalace hotel in San Francisco, bythe Commonwealth Club: According to Commander Booth conditions in the East ar improv ing eenerallv. She expressed the re lief the country has reached ..the nenk of ifs unemployment problem and that from now on poverty and idleness will be modified greatly. TELLS HIGHER 4 DEALS. In commenting today on what should be don to relieve distress the distinguished leader said: "There are fieople today In need of help who never before have felt the stlntf of want. want to appeal to the women of America with idle time on their hands to consecrate a nart of their dally life to the reli of novertv and suffering. Half of the time devoted to bridge whist and other useless fornt of recreation will remove the mountains of our social life poverty and the slums. The new year la an opportune time for women to consecrate a portion of their playtime to Tiew ideals- Ideals for a better and happier peo- ole. "Merely feeding and clothing the Poor .todav is not providing a per manent solution for tho problem. Important as this preliminary -nop nlav be. There in, among otli r things, the need for clean," whole some homes at a nomlnnt ren'tal. with ownership as the'' ultimate ideal." ., , . Girls' Rescue Home Completed This is a photograph of the new Salvation Army Maternity Home at East Twenty-eighth avenue and Garden street. It has been made possible by donations from the public ..under the, super' vision, of the local Elks.' It will be dedicated nest Tuesday aftefnoon by Commander Evangeline Booth. It cost $132,000. li ' I' if W. U. Presents Plea For Rate Increase SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 5. The Western Union Telegraph company appeared, before the State Railroad Commission today, seeking an increase in rates, for press messages, amounting -to approximately 22 per cent within the state of California. Beverly L. ' Hodghead of Berkeley, attorney for the corporation. In his opening -statement, announced that governmental increase or zo per cent allowed in Interstate traffic dur ing the war had been extended to in clude press messages later, with the approval of the Interstate Commerce Commission. A large number .of witnesses were present for the purpose of telling of the expense entailed in handling press messages. WIJ.L INSTALL .lolxTLY. BERKELEY. Jim. 5-Lookout Mountain Pout and Corps will hold pc joint installation tomorrow evertfhg at 8 o'clock at the local Odd Fellows' hnll. The public Is Invited.- ,': JiiiSiiii " ' I OR p pas . IF While th complaint charging Mrs. James I). Da'ey, 17, her husband and Dick Carpenter with robbery was read this morning, the little child of the Davcys walked around the courtroom. Tho young mother was certified to the juvenile court.. The husband and Carpenter will have their preliminary examination on January 17. The trio was arrested on the complaint ot Tom Cocorls, proprietor of a candy store at 1003 Washington street. He alleges that Mrs. Davey asked him to take her home, and when they were nearlng the house the couple were held up by Davey and Carpenter. VETERAN CAN'T PAY $80 MONTH ON-$SOPENS10N Because he was unable to jjny $80 a month alimony out of a 150 a month Income from a Civil War veteran's pension, Matthew E; Crookham, 75 years old, Is In the county jail today, at the Instance of his former wife,' Mrs. Ida Crookham. of .2825 Grove street. In his cell at tho jail this morning Crookham saltl that for the past seventeen years he had earnlng $120 a month, in addition to his pension, as a watchman for the Diamond Match company at Chlco. For the last seven years of that period .he had been sending $80 a month to his wife and" three, daughters, who had left him and were living In Oakland. Last October, Crookhtini said, . he lost hls job, i POSTMASTERS NOM 1NATED. WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. Nominations of postmasters sent to senate today Included D. W. Stoddard, Anchorage, Alaska, and Hugh Kldrldge. BolUngham, Wash. When is an IE NT A L- worth having When it is genuine and a worthy ancient and noble textile art. Oriental rugs are genuine only when are used, the old vegetable? dyes are weaving done faithfully in accordance, theiage-old manner of the art," the patterns and to type. v Thousands of "commercially" rugs, infcrioJn wools anc weaving, pattern and dyed with poor dyes, are to- ihis-counlry. These are placed in