FASHIONABLE JPJB1ENT TD OPEN TODIf Many New and Modern Features Embodied in .Building's Design A nrenara- The formal opening of "El Mira dor," the beautiful apartment build ing Just completed at 491 crescent street, is announced for today by R. E. Mayer, the owner, and F. E. Hostetter, the builder. The location is one of the finest In the Eastbay section, a part of the fashionable Lake district. It is two blocks rrom the Lake Theater, shopping district and from San Francisco and Oak land transnortatlon. "El Mlrador" Is an adaptation or Andalusian architecture designed by Douglas Dacre Stone, eminent architect. The building Is a creation of art and beauty throughout, and has for its chief exterior adorn ment a modified Spanish bell tower. A special Indirect lighting arrangement affords an equal Individuality to the tower feature In the evening, as Is presented during the day. LOFTY CEILING "The Interior Is marked by a very unusual lobby with lofty ceilings. coffered and beautifully decorated after the Spanish manner. The special lighting fixtures of this lobby are In themselves a feature and in keeping with the medieval adaptation. All of the Interior walls of the building, with the exception of the bathroom and kitchen, are finished in an antique textured plaster of fire resisting composition. The bathroom walls are of colored tile, and those of the kitchens nre finished In glistening enamel. The electric lighting fixtures, throughout the building have been designed to follow the key to medieval Gothic, as exemplified by .those of the main lobby and foyeft Exceptional beauty la also the rule In the general woodwork finish, which Is of special design. The doors are massive and heavy, and the hardware Is of a type to correspond. TWO FLOORS OF GARAGES "The three, four and five room suites ot "El Mlrador" present every convenience of modern apartment construction. There are two floors of fire-proof garages, which take advantage of the natural street grade for entrance without the use of difficult ramps. A fast automatic Spencer elevator, equip ped with automatic self-opening In terior doors and the newest safety breaking system, serves the build ing. The car Is large enough and of sufficient speed to afford transportation In a structure twice the size. The heating and hot water plant were designed to supply a considerably larger requirement than will be developed In a house of this slr.e, being fully 40 per cent In capacity above the usual prac tice. EXHAUST FANS There are electric exhaust fans In the kitchen and every bathroom Is ventilated either by an Individual ran or is connected to the mnln system, which Incorporates a large motor and fan unit. This operntes silently at all times. The electrical refrigerators have' been especlnlly designed and constructed, using cork Insulation. The interiors these refrigerators are lined with green porcelain. The electrlo ranges win be a Joy to every housewife, ana are of full automatla type. "An extra amount of study has been given to the problem of sound transmission and absorption, and the noise nuisance has been satis factorily eliminated by the use of approved deadenlna- materia a, and dead air spaces In the party walls, floors and ceilings. "Trunk room and separate locker are available for each anartment. and an electrically e o u 1 n d e A laundry is also provided for the use or me tenants.-' of