f $tore Opm EVENINGS Till 7 p.m. SATURDAYS Till 9 p.m. T Wa sell a Camp Goods at any price aaleas they roadway In Oakland , Ifathe 'BROADWAY i " or Campi Goodt MAIN STORE NEAR' 21 it ST. DEPARTMENT STORE 2087-89 BROADWAY UP TOWN BRANCH STORE 1026 BROADWAY FORMERLY SPIRO'S : ANNOUNCEMENT A New Downtown Store Now, For Your Convenience the Army Goods' Store (formerly Spiro's). at 1026 Broadway; will now, m conjunction with the Broadway Dept. Store of 2087-89 Broadway, handle and sell the famous "Broadway" camp equipment, as well as fishing tackle. A. TWO STORES NOW An Up anct Down Town Location TM famous Broadway policy ef selling nothing but standard eamp. equipment at a savinB of ene-thlrd: and our remarkabUgwwth In the patt feur years are aonelua.ve proof that folks hays appre- oi.t.d our sincere eHorta to give them 9od merchandise at ins pr.o. .y p-,. w,. f Post-Enquirer and TnBuna Tor our weeKiy -neonex- P"' .;'":'" V n..ihird. " 1 ! offering fast eourteous service in camping and fishing equipment at a saving of one-third. i V effcring Camp Goods Specials for Saturday $7-15 j 1&50 Value COLEMAN GASOLINE LANTERN Built-in Pump FISHING SEASON OPENS MAY J ST Fishing Tackle Specials ior Saturday TYEE SALMON EGGS OP 11240 Value Genuine MILLER ! Guaranteed fresh 1927 pack &0C CAMP BED Dura- OP PETE'S SAbMON EGG ..f OA biWy plus aomfsrt. 7UI TICKLERS ....JUL Red Hot Spaeial... 1j0O CAMP STOOL Khaki. Reinforced Legs CAMP CHAIR! ' Khaki Reinforced! Lags, 11.29 valse ..... 14.50 CANVAS FOLD- frCk fir ING COTS Khaki i).D0 Reinforced Lgt.,... " 65c 85c colorado - spinners: j. piece steel trout ROD .J ... ALLCOCK'S IMPORTED TROUT l-LIES Sizes a. a, iv, um. ...... ...... NO. S WILLOW FISH BASKET 40-YARD TROUT REEL-' 15r 70r 7 j S5r ..I...... $1.85 ..; ..$1.25 , Adjustable Click and Drag. The "BROADWAY" POSITIVELY GUARANTEES yea St will act be underaeld any standard camp equipment er fishing tackle throughout the Milan, and we bar na one ia thia dec'aration. SAVE Vi AT THE "BROAD WA Y"STORE OPEN SAT. TILL' 9 P. M. BrsaSwar Iwn. T-a) Brsaiway raak Kara, 1S4S BrsaSway L