VESSELS ARRIVE IN HARBOR I'JITH LUMBER - - Gas Engine Works Leases Land and Begins Erection: .of.NeiMMant. . MAIN STRUCTURE T(K BE 100X80 PEET Steam ' Schooner . North Fork . Put on Ways to. Be Overhauled- The steam schooner Pomo, Captain Lttleland. arrived late yesterday from San Francisco and laid alongside of the Hogan Lumber Company's wharf, where 8he-l3dfscharging 40,000 feet of lumber. !;..;."-. ! -. ' ' In order to accommodate the orders for gas' engines and enlarge lti water front area, the Atlas. Gas Engine; Works, ' which Is located at 'the foot of Eleventh avenue, has leased . large plot of landat the foot of Twentieth avenue, where it is erecting a new plant. The new home of the engine- works will be 200 ; feet - la length and 80 feet In width,: which with a number of out-bnlldlngs 40x80 feet will cover considerable space. A pile driver of Cotton - Bros. Is at work, driving the piles for the foundation of the wharf and in a few days this part of the work will . be completed. C. Chrlstensen has the contract for building the place, which will be made of corrugated iron and will be finished with all modern facilities and conveniences. - All the latest machinery will be Installed. . A water plant for the purpose of fighting fires Is already on the grounds and . is owned by the company. The" officers of the company are I. - A. Moberry, manager, and A. Warenskjold, president. - . ' . ' " y'r '