E Recommendation Made to the City Council by Com- . missioner Baccus: Changes in street names ..of 4.1 streets In Oakland have been recommended to the city council bv. Commissioner of Streets Bit ecus. The changes are em'-bodfed In , p ordirii: nee which will be taken up f.tT consideration next Ftljlav. The changes. are to bring about better svstem -in the street designation. Sever! streets' 'Which are actually continuations 1 of other1 Streets have been known" by dif- 1 f event names'. These will Ite bnught,,tti.- J der tfielr right deslgnetlons. "I Several months ax a committee of' citizens pres. tiled a list of Changes de- sired, there Icing acoiit 3 pro-)..ed j changes. Those included in the ordin- , ance which luis been prepared are con siilered the .must necessary of these. The ordinance nrovldies as follows: The. names of . the following several stre'ts, av-nues. courts, alleys, lanes ami nubile nlaces within the city of Oakland be aiid -flri saiw are' 'hereby changed and fixed lis follows: That Alice street, from Bellevue ave nui? to Sheridan road be .changed to r Aenes streets. That Acacia street from' Katmlng slreViJ tn Hyacinth avenue lie changed to Mad-rone avenue, '. That Baiter aven from Avnnl ave. Hue to the northerly termination of s.ild avenue he changed to Sixty-second avenue. ,... , That Bellevue terrors, In Rockrldge park, be cbangej to Alpine terrace. That Bellevue avenue from McAdtm street to Marlon avenue bexchanged to Herntpsa avenue. , ' That Bellevue avenue fnim Marlon avenue to Florence avenue and Marion avenue irom McAdam street to Bellevue avenue be changed to Fiorenc4'.ivenue. That lb lievupe . avenue from -Edith street to County Uo.id No. 1109 (or Mora xn avenue) pp changed t'o Judith street. That1 Bellevue .auenue' from Ed'itji street w esterlv" and northerly to Florence avenue lie changed to Modoc avenue. That Bay plice from Broadway to Harrison street be changed to Twenty-sixth street. That-Cove avenue from Lake Shore avenue to Grand avenue be .changed to l-;i Emharcaden). That Cherry. street from Harw'ood avenue, to Florlo. slreel be chaiiged tu. Au-bitm -ventie."' "; ' 5v That Derbv street from Elmwood a'e. nue 10 tin Niiiithern terniinaticn of said street he changed t'o Derby avenue. That Edith street' from Bryant nvrnue to Hroadwav be chariged to Ada street. That l'1iith street frum Florem e ave-p.ue tu Brookside avenue be changed to Julia Street. ' ' . That Eureka avenue from . A venal-avenue to the northerly terrninatiun of said avenue be changed 10 Sixty-first avenue. ' - Tint Edwards street from Telegraph avenue to the eastern termination of said street he. changed to Thirty-fifth street: That Florence "street fnmi BroHdwcy fo l'.tlgrae place be changed to Napa it reel. ,''-" i That Greenwood avenue from Welling- ton street to Everett avenue and -Clark ' avenue fnun. Kverott avenue to- Holly-- . wiiik aveiiut? lie cnangeu iu iigewooa avenue. That Gray street from Manila avenue to Prospect drive be hanged to Mendocino avenue. That Gibson avenue ' from ' Camden Street to Trenor street lie changed to Sixty-fourth avenue. ' ''S. Tiia.t Himley" stret from Fairfax avenue to Fern street he rluuigcd to Fern Str-et. " . . That Haves street from Seminary avenue to Sii -fourth aenue''be changed tn Klin-ih. th street. That Hillsdale avenue in Foothill park be changed to Sixty-thud avenue. . TiiU. iuUMr Uvt tsow i'ruiUala 43 STREET-NAM CHANGES PROPOSED EXHIBITED ALAMEDA. Jan. 31. The fine dls- phiv of clnerarles. and cyclamen at the Alameda 'iTiumber of Commerce has 1n-tnreiMe.ii the TWoi.fa of this city during tin. nasi week or two. The exhibit been renewed- nifl. fresh ' olants. with I vivid hi n. are taking the place of tjiose fust put In - It, has become quite tha . .1.1..- t,, nlii.n.i.r on Park street to stop by the way to inspect me collertlnn, - which includes many . beautiful begonias and other plants. The flowering cactus grafted on the night blooming rereus Is one of tho wonders which ' Superintendent Dunn Of the parks has produced in bis ennservn.torte, and which-may still be seen In the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce. The cactus is blooming and the cereus will shortly show forth Its wonderoni bloom. NEW EXTENSION CLASSES. l'NIVErtSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Jan. 31 Three new inlveraity extension classes liave now been start(l In San Francis n: a class In English literature, which will meet at 4 p. m... every-Friday -at the'Ad uns school, with Dr. Geo. A, Bintthson: Instructor -in English p'hll-ologv in the university, as its teacher: a clnss In-elementary French, .which will. inet at 5 n. m. everv Monday at the Allium .school, taught by E B. lamare; and a class in advanced French, also taught bv Ijimare, which meets Satur-davs at 11 a. m.. at the Adams school. These cesses will still admit newcomers. PLAN REVIVAL. BERKELEY. Jan. SI .-Minister of vepM Berkeley congregation; attended AsM-i-rt'-aT) Francisco last even ing at which was determined to secure the services for a great revival here of Fvfigcl1st Ostrom, one of the best known angelists In twe country, rne meetings will he held in March. They will begin at the First Presbyterian church, but If that .auditorium proves too small a tabernacle will be erected. The definite date of the nicetttigs will be announced later. - nue to Sunset avenue, be changed to Palm Hill street. " That laurel street from Piedmont avenue to Fairmount avenue ho changed 4o v,.a.,mltM street . -s Tliat lvefne avenue from FlftjQfJi-landl avenue to Kltigsland' avenue be changed to lirookdale avenue. .That .Marshall avenue from Jones ave-jn'ie southeasterly to the teThtnatlon of Vald aveniro ije changed to Gould street; That Mills avenue from Avensl avenue to Scenic, way be changed to Sixtieth avenue. That Park street from East Seventeenth street . to- the southern boundary line of the city of Oakland be changed to Twenty-ninth avenue. That Park street from Fifty-third street to Stanford avenue be, changed to Gasklll street. That Park avenue from East Twelfth street to Park street be changed to Alameda avenue. Tltat I'Hrsant- nvBTinp from Fleming avenue to the northern ' termlualldn' of aid avem.c be clanged to Madera avenue. - - ' That Hose avenue from Hopkins street to Seminary avenue be ( ha nged to Calaveras avetrje. ' That lioyal street from Trenor street to Outlook avenue be changed to Sixtyr fourth avenue. That Sunnyslda avenue . from East Twenty-seventh street to the southern end of said avenue be changed to Inyo avenue. ' That Tavlor street from llfty-elghth avenue to SIxtv-third avenue lie changed to FestlawiylffreeL Thi! Thyflo'-S street from Church street to Hevify-thlrxi avenue be changed to Frsnr street. 1 , That Thompson lane fritm Thirty-fifth avenue' to Midvale avenue tie changed to yuigley lane. That Virginia avemie In the .Twtnetto Von Ah' trai t Jjaxhaiiged "ttr Bromley avenue. , That Thirteenth avenue from East Thirty-eighth strett to Hells wood avenue lie changed, to Park boulevard. That Twenty-first street 'Jrom San Pablo avenue to Grove street l changed tu Jones street. - ' That Twenty-ninth tivenue from Fast Fourteenth street to the-southern termination of rM.i avenue be rhance-l to Thirtieth avenue. That Thirtieth avenue frdm East Fourteenth street to the southern termination of said avenus ba chanted to Derhv are-an. .. I