Hills Koad to Present Small Bridget Planned An Important step In the development of , the home area com prised - by the Piedmont Hills Oakmore Highlands, the Montclalr District, .Piedmont Pine. Shepherd Canyon 'Park, the .Moraga Valley and adjacent territory. Is the calling for bids this week for the grading, and the construction of drainage structures, on that section of upper Park boulevard, situated between' Estaiea Drive and Moun tain boulevard. This artery, at present a narrow, Grinding; road skirting the upper reaches' of Dlmond -Canyon, Is to ba transformed into a uplendld ' boulevard, measuring 4 S feet from curb tfl. curb. Data supplied by the city engineer's office show that the boulevard will require the con struction of three sideEhMl brldges, of the monumental "type, resting on pillars rising -35 feet from the walls Of .the canyon. These, slde-hlll bridges. or trestles It in stated, will be bujlt-lajilace where, owing, to thaTTTnrfe of the terrain, fill-ins sre not feasible. The. side, hill bridges will be furnished with ornamental balustrades, fitting Jn the 'harmonious- ensemble of this accnla thoroughfare. v.- ' Ilt'GB COXTliACT. 'City engineer's .data provide for 122,000 yards of excavation in the, : construction of this road. Besides being widened, over Its entire course, the present road will be straightened. In line with this straightening process the road will cut .through part, of the large quarry situated near the. Junction! or rarK oouievara ana Mountain boulevord. ' Allowing tbe, flIJ-ln to thorough- ly settle, a temporary surface will , be applied after grading., ' A surplus of 'the'mnterlal of this rosd.'lt is ntnted, will be iised by the city to fill (he creek on Moxnga road, south of Harbord.. Commenting on the widening and straightening of Bark boulevard, .Horace H, Breed, representing . MoragrVaHey Interests and the 8an Ramon Valley- Chamber of Commerce, of which -lie is a n. rector,; states: "The city of Oakland Is to be congratulated upon this move, which will eliminate what hi long been a traffic bottleneck. Upon the completion of the new Broadway tunnel, Park boulevard, connecting with Mountain boulevard, will become a major trafflo artery, being East Oakland's principal feeder to the new tunnel." If OPEN. TARftE Tit ACT, "Eventually, " Breed continued,, "we will also have the Shepherd Canyon tunnel. Park boulevard will also be the main avenue of approach, to this low level route to Contra Costa, county," Paul Pause, of the. Montclalr Realty Company, comment at follows: : i, , '.. ""H. ' "With the opening and widening of Park Boulevard and Moraga avenue, ' of Hampton Road 'from Moraga avenue to La Salle avenue fn upper Piedmont (this work now being under way) ,and the building of a connecting artery from Mountain Boulevard to the new Broadway tunnel Jut above Ijike Temascal; Montclalr Highland, 'Piedmont Pines, and Hampton Highlands are brought Into the renter of the finest residential community of the Piedmont Hills district. . '' .. "'From' the Montclalr business district will rsdlate a 'network of splendid boulevards, bringing this district, within ffv to fifteen minutes drive of Piedmont, Oakland or Berkeley." s, Piedmont Replace ! Road;