OPENING O IE LIBERTY PLAYHOUSE it by a hy The' announce-stoek season 'in nature of a sur- an opening The class is sufficient season will be the best lightful play ' large area! practical volving stage and the patents It is the only America The Sale of Seats or the Initial Attraction to Begin Next Monday ManyModern eatures of Oakland’s Pretty New Theater ‘ in Syndicate Building More -than usual interest is being uvr t :-u manifested in me opening 01 ie mu-erty Playhouse” the new theater that the Realty Syndicate is erecting for Mr H W ' Bishop ment1 of a high-class Oakland com6s in the prise to local theater goers and that they appreciate the innovation is being demonstrated very day in the wide-spread interest that is shown The new playhouse will be one of the most cos convenient and up-to-date theaters in the country Before beginning the building Mr Bishop xnade an extensive trip through eastern cities getting ideas and the results of his observations were taken by the architect Mr D ranklin Oliver and moulded into shape Many of the old traditions of thea-a i l-z-vz-x-- nno ocirln and LtP Dlillviilib llcLxt uccn v-agt j l new ideas take their places Although will be the first- bill the new theater will hold over 20DU people it has? no gallery all the seats being leither on the orchestra floor or in the balcony which will be known as the dress circle ’ Novel features in heating lighting and ventilation have been installed But it is on the stage that the new ideas are seen in all their glory In point of area Ye Liberty Playhouse stage is the largest fcaij the coast being 85 feet ' deep and TOO) feet wide ' This l was necessary to -uiaivc Mr- Bishop’ patented re- This was nis own luea are controlled by him stage of its kind in working floor of the stage is on a level with the fly gallery all scenery properties and stage "furnishing being raised to draulie elevator - Mr Bishop has secured attraction of high merit of plays to be preserited guarantee that the 'Neill Martha Morton’s de- A Bachelor’s Romance” to be followed by “Barbara rietchie’’ that masterpiece of Clyde itch- The - sale of seats for the first week will begin at Sherman Clay and Company - next Monday