B. ORDER BRIBE Statements Siys "Proof" Of E s pi.on a g e Established London, -Aug. 20 (/Pi-Captain Thomas Kendrick, veteran British" passport, 'officer mysteriously seized fourV.days ago by German ed "pfppt"'-oi''hli conducting es- pionjiga.'' .'.'. ··· ": ^ , .The Berlin announcement stol- ing'-'the' British ambassador. Sir Neville Henderson, has '.fteen- re- tilwSled to sec -that Captaini Ken- driek leaves Vienna at. the, .earliest ppssibTe moment, coincided \vith a terse British official announcement that lie.had'been released from custody, ·: · He. had. been at. tlie,Hotel Me- tropple lh .Vienna, G^siapp headquarters, where 'the former;Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg also was .believed held. . .'.. Although British spokcshicn said Uiey. understood Captain Kendrlck would' leave-'Vienna for England tomorrow or Monday, they declared -the nature of. the accusation, against him had not -been communicated to the British government. , ' ' " . ' : . , .Kendrlck was passport officer n Vienna for 13 years and had )e'en called.upon .to 'grant''hun- dreds of British visas for Jewish refugees since the annexation, of Austria by Germany. He and Mrs, Kendrlck were route .to England by automobile when he was arrested and taken back to Vienna Wednesday. A Reuters, British news agency, dispatch from Vienna, said Kendrlck. arrived .sj Jus home there at 1 p.m. following bis .release. . · ' ' . - . . . . ' '··'·"·: ":'!' He declined - to maic^ any statement but Mrs. Kendrick.said they were planning to go to England soon as possible ' J. W. POST DIES AT SPRINGDALE Springdale,. Aug. 20-(/P)-J. W. Post, retired oil man; died at 9:30 this morning at his home In Springdale. He was working in his garden and -. apparently suffered o heart attack. . . M r . Post was.born March 1869 in TownvUlc, Pa^ and tor many years wa s with the'. Tidal Oil company, serving- In Ohio,, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma and other, states. ' -His wife and ona,sister; Mrs. Nell Terry of Tulsa fcooif 1 TM----~ Funeral arrangements werfe _». complete, awaiting arrival o't relatives. Washington Chancery To Reopen Monday . Chancellor Lee; Seamster went t'o Bentonville today for one day's session of Benton county chancery court Washington county chancery court; will be . resumed on Monday for the final we* 1 - ot the regular term.