Bridgeport were fifth And frat detonsire the the four himself. had nor the this two the left, his a and bid ror | words,the : in. ' IF'ORLD'S IPORST CRIMINALS The top Nazis now on trial at Nuernberg ArG; it seems clear, worst criminals. They have been responsible for the deaths of many millions of human I beluga. Some of these were tortured in the most heartless ways Imaginable. The death penalty has been asked for the twenty leadera who, for so many months, been forced to listen to witness after witness relate stories tying them definitely to terrible atrocilles. SuI, it is said, betting among those In the court room is that not half of the accused will exceuted for their crimes. It difficult for decent peoplo anywhere to understand how one the wretches now in the dock Nucrnberg deserves anything These are the hardhearted leaders who plotted the conquest of the world, who treated vast numbers of men, women and children 05 it they were of no more Importanco than swarmg of Insects. *These nre the subhuman beings who more than agreed with wholegale experiments* to be made on llving human flesh, they ordered these experiments. These are the men who bullt vast buildings expertly. planned for the efficient exterminatIon of masses of human beings. Theso are the men who planned to continue these mass killings -until the "lesser breeds' of mankind, as determined by tha Nazi "supermen," had been thinned out, and -those permitted to survive had been reduced to slavery. Theso are the creatures who gloated over the sufferings al their fellows. They are tho ones who looted and- burned conquered terrilory, @ito had no more consideration for feeble old folks, bables, expectant mothers, than they would have bad for rats and ants. Deatti, as many have said, [9 too good for them.. We are, Isough, not like they are. Wodo not and cannot torture even those who deserve no cas ydeath. •The ¡bloau of milliong is on their hands. It is expected that the verdict of the court in this case will not be known unit! the middle of Sep-! tember. Still, the prosecuters of all the nations represented at the trial Jase asked that the death penalty should be imposed upon, convicted. The French prosccutor declared, as he closed his up, that the accused were guilty. of crimes 50 1101- stroug and so unknown in history that it has been necessary to coin a new word -genocide, murder of 8 people--to describe them. It is to te hoped that no false notions of mercy will. prevent the court from doing its full duty when the time for sentencing rives. The extreme penalty called for. lo. ENTERTAINED