a s. isis. THE NEW " I'l.ASVltr.l ie:' a MTSTRBIOUS tai.kim; mmakd ash iahi i: ovr.n which n'irt111) kn' onto ie aoiVATCO. "Plaiichettc is limply ii(?\vlic!c,"saitl g Wc-t irnbum at tue tifih avenue Motel, "compares wim [ho nsw scheme for mysterious communication (tiat is [.-jliii- 'i<e.l ont in Dui,.. I know ot whole communities that arc wi! 1 over th". ' talking board," as some of tlicni Willi I have never hear>l any name for lt. H it I nave "?ca ami hear.! some of the most remarkable thiinrs c.'.ut its oporatlons ? things that! seem to pass all l.uuimi roiuprehen'ion or explanation." ?* What is the i.oard like I" "Olve me a pencil ami I will show you. The I!rsl ?eipusite is tue operating I.oard. It may ho rectangular ibout 18 hy 'JD inches. It is inscribe.! like tins: : rs*, no. : I A B C 1) ll F O II IJ K I. M M I I O 1' Q II 9 I (J V WITS*.,! j 1'J ll 1 ,'i ll 7 8 9 0 Good-eve. 'io.iiii:*!it, ? "The 'yei' und the 'no' ara to start sud stop the com 'orsat.ou. The '^oud-oreinng ' aud 'good-night' .-trefor oartesy. Now a little table three or four Inches high :s wesarad with fear lega Any saeesa make the whola ipparatus lu fifteen minutes, with a Jackknife and a narking brush. You tako the board tu your lap, another ?ersou anting down with you. You each grasp the little ahle willi ihe thumb iud furetlnrer at each corner neit rea. Then the qaSStsOB le asked, 'Ara there any eora* nunieauotut' Pretty soon you Ihlnk the oilier person i p,libing the tallie. Ito thinks you are SotBg the same, .Jut tis table inovei around le ' yes ' or ? aa.' Then you ia on asking <*.!iestio!i* and the anawors ate speiisd out >i ih'iegsof the mille resting ..ii the letters ono aft** iee ihe table will eovac "to letten sith Its feet and then yon haag on .eui aak tint tte aiblo will ue aioved from the wron*, tallar, winch s dons. Bome remarkable soavereatloag hare >eeu ? ji-iie.l mi until men have beeome la a BMasaia lupoillil la til I Luuw of a gentleman wieta-, . a so interested la playing with ibo niton. m* thlnii tiiat lie 'munni ti up. Che tams litchi ha .laced ou: of town ..u a buslnas i ti lp I ba Ulambara ot ll j looked lor tho b 'anl and coull eui lt. a it. Uley -jot a Servant to UiitLe them t% ursa nm: I i.*vi imo >f thain sat down and ?si?e i ?abai bail bceoma of tho ? tber tii-iie. ii." answer waa ?pe.;**.i oat, g.ring a mme, ? Jack burned lt.' lhere ira, "f sours*, any naas* u?r of non-omsioal and irmlevait aiiswera spelled out, ...it lbs suikm paj lillie a.* >,i lo ti. to. 1. lao auiwnri no ralovaul ibey talk thom eves wnn ? luporstlltous awe. Ono gunileiu tu of my sm I'isinl i.c-i told me Hist hu gol a couiuiuiii tattoD aboat 't tills to some property fu.m ins terni brother, whieb *???*??,? of meat rains te ' :m it is ling to tease who have wot ked moat with ii. -'..iv. ?. t' nh lota i persons ire holding the tabla, * third parson, sitting In Ute mus i rooui kmoc dis iway maj aak the questions, nt thou! even ?i>*uk ... Uti, ana tho answers will show they aro tn* tended foi him Scala, answer* will borolaraod to tho liittutrtes of on.. .<r tba parsons operating, ? bau tho other cangai uu ins* i* ai ail. lu Youngstown.?Uaatoa.War-' la BS ld, Akion, K.yna and a tiuuiber of uther places in Ohio, I heard thal llc-re w?i a pe rf, ot eras* over the bow Plaochotte, (is use sud operation have taken tbe pla sot earn partlea a item pu are tuado lo v. rlfj lints . BIS thal sra mads about living persou*, and lu Bonn* li.<uiicc? ibey Uavo tuooeo.lsd so veli as to uiase ih* in^uirsrs still moro awe stricken."