Sterilization Mere Start, Nazi Leaders Say Berlin, Nov. 12-(A)-Germany's sterllization program marks the "mere beginnings" of a "purge" of the nation. Nazi Party bulletin told citizens today. Dr. Von Hoist of the Danzig municipal offices disclosed that even the "slightly feebleminded" are to be included in the program. By sterilization and emasculation Nazi leaders hope to eliminate the mentally and physically unfit from future generations. The sterilization law has been in effect since January 1. Two professors of the Roman Catholic Academy at Braunsberg, have been dismissed after delivering an opinion that sterilization 18 not incompatible with Catholicism. Orders for their dismissal, it was said, came from Rome. Dr. Von Holst did not define "slightly feebleminded** but said. "every case will be examined with German thoroughness and sterilization will be performed where it is required."