Tomahawk Pellet Stove Tomahawk Pellet Stove Junction recently moved into the newly renovated, historic Tomahawk railroad depot. f; ; TOMAHAWK the business is new, Dalbec PELLET STOVE Although JUNCTION LLE has been in the pellet stove industry for E A DIVISION 02 * several years in central Wisconsin. His' NOW OPENS in The Rallroad Depot, Downtown Tomaha Y shop is part of the : BUY NOW! Most manufactures were sold out Earth Sense Energy Systems family of by September last year! FREE businesses out of Dale, WI: the largest No ½ Ton Pellets - chimney required W.Purchase Of New Stove • Featuring Harman pellet stoves supplier of pellet stoves in the country. & Earth furnaces Sense Energy Systems is North America's largest pellet Joining Dalbec in the business are his stove dealer Venting $100 Bring in this coupon See Discount sons Zach Dalbec and Dan Folta. They $100 to receive OFF F YOUR STOVE VENTING offer sales, installation, inspection and 4: 422 W. TOMAHAWK Wisconsin PELLET Ave, STOVE Tomahawk • JUNCTION, 715-453-5225 LIC # FARTII SENSE SYSTEMS Net Valid With Any Other Expires 5-12-06 supplies. 1 13 PELLET STOVE JUNCTION, LLC 422 W. Wisconsin Ave, • Tomahawk • 715-453-5225 .. 1: