its water for nubile use. free of chanre. as in Jcise of the first proposition. "Alderman Loftand offered a substitute for Mr. Copeland's resolution, that (he Mayor be authorized to order an election to take the sense of the citizens on his proposition. Alderman Faulkner was opposed to the first proposition. Alderman Finnie called for the reading of the proposition of Alderman Loftand, and said be preferred it to the other. Alderman Erwin offered an amendment to Mr. Copeland's resolution, providing that no person should be taxed for water that did nop wish to use it, and that the company commence operations within ninety days. Alderman Street was opposed to the propo sition of the first parties, but deemed, in case it should b'e adopted, that some obligation be taken from the company to bind them to a com pliance with the terms of the proposition, Alderman Hughes thoujht the passage of the resolutions would be precipitous on aceouut of the slight understanding of the organization of the company making the propositions, and desired to have a f irther discussion and under- standiner about the matter. He wished thel Board before acting in the premises, to recur to the information contained In a report made to the Board, by Mr. Douglass wbt he was an Alderman. AMerman Hughes offered in lieu of Mr. Copeland's resolution, that a committee be ap pointed to confer with the parties making the proposition, and ascertain the best practical method of establishing Water Works. . Mr. Wickersham, by courtesy of the Board, addressed them, explaining the objects of the company, and deferring to the reference to the committee for a f urtbtr investigation. A resolution referring the whole matter to a committee for its investigation, was finally adopted. The following gentlemen were ap pointed: Messrs. Martin, Finnie and M. Lef- land. Mr. Hughes was added, by motion, to this committee. Mr. Street made a report from the Finance Committer, relative to the purchase of a lot for the Hook and Ladder Co. at the corner of Adams and Second streets, and the Committee authorized to close the contract for its purpose, at $8,000. The Committee were also authorized to close i a settlement with A. M. Ferguson for the pur chase of a lot on DeSoto street, at $1,000, for Fire Co. No. 7. Some other unimportant basfoers was trass-1 acted, and the Board then adjourned.