"A - la IADITO BEGIN BOMG. BE AETESIAH WATER COIPANY PUT UPON ITS FEET. Twenty Unites' Serslon of the Legislative Cornell Ooei the BuHlBfgs, By a llve'y ute of the telephone, a We quorum was secured at 4:20 'clock yesterday af-ernoon, acd tbe Legislative Council, with .it costs ofl rrfl sleeves rolled op, buckled down t i.nqUpf. q rn in'lrri.r-'rT t. r in r t -).. I' l'-..i it,, li .? . i'. V ' I- W ! h I' buiti tiiuuMuiy dhuji) iast mot-ting . ) 11 thfetuinmer, and it tu neceeraryto ' disposed the we'er contract. Meea;s. Lee, Montgomery, Pa'teiEon.and Wal-laoe responded. Bunding tbe ml not: a of last meeting win disposed of, and a petition forptrmletion to ropalr boose No. 424 Mtm street was rt-i'ded. A petition from tliii-ns along Dan-lap and adjacent street, for aa ex ten-ton ot fewer plpt-s. Also for tbe erection of two rm lmp. one at the bead of Court street extended acd Dontap, and one on turner of Union and Dun-lap, ass rereiTed and filed. Dr. O. B Thornton, president of the Brard of Health, lubmltted his report concerning tbe pondot water on Btxth treet, between Mill and Anotlon ttreete,and tbe property adjacent, pronouncing it a nuisance to those living in tbe Ticlnlty. Tbe report was received and filed. Oen. K. F. Patterson Introduced the following: "la view ot tbe fact that eitlieaa' committee baa been appointed to vlfll t Washington to invite tbe President, bis wife, and members ot I bis Cabinet to come to Memphis in October, it Is eminently proper that the city ahonld bs c til dally represented In said committee; therefor Resolved, Tust D. P. Hidden, the President of tbe Taxing District, be, and he berebv is, Inairucted to accompany aaid csmmlttee aid extend such invitation to Piesident Cleveland, his wifo, and members of his Cabinet in tbe name of tbe city, be having been appoii.tej a meinour oi the C t'isns' Commit e by the Mem-phis Merchants eudCjtton ichnges. It was adopted. At 4:30 o'clock the water contract was taken np. The revisions suggested at two former meetloea bad been mtde and pioved saUtlectory, and within fie miontee tbe deed waa accomplished, each member preeent attsching bia sign.ture. Ths full Uxt of the ccnrsct la a follows: Wbbkrab, The Taxing District of the county of Bheby and State of Tennessee, uion the written application of the ArtesUn Water Companr, a corporation dnly chartered aod O'gan-laid under the laws cf tbe said btate of Tenneeree, witj its e tus in tbe county of Hi.e'by of said Ktetc, herot. fore appoint d a board ot seven Inspectors to i vrs'.lvate, ait and report on the mst era corumitttd to snub board by tbe terms of sections Nos. seven and eh (7 end 8) ct chapter H i. one hnndred ana niteen iudi oi tbe Acts ot Tennesiee for 1685, all in accordance with tbe provisions ot aaid rections and said act; and Wbeiias, la compliance with the terms and provisions ol said sections and said act, ths Boar oi inspectors aforesaid, having been Unit July qualified, examined the matters committed to It, made Ha report thertoji dnly worn to, and flit! the aaid report with tbe authorities of sa d Taxing D.itr.ft on the 18;b day ol Joly, 1847, and wltbin lea dare sfter tbe appointment and qaa.iflca Jon of said board ; and Waaaait, It appears from aaid report so filed that ra d B ierd of Inspectors has carefully investigated acd considered b soarce and qaality of the water eurply prspoeed tj be fur-nlahrdfortbe public use In said Tax Ing District by the raid Artesian water Company; thst it is entirely satisfied thitt said water is good, clear, pure and wl olcaorne, acd adapted to all public and d m-eilo usu, ar.d that it believes the supply oi each water to be abundant or bountrul for all public needs. Now, therefire, this contract and agreement, made and et tered Into this, the 53 b dav ol July, 187, by and between raid Taxing Ds rict ol the county of Mi-by and Htate of Tenneeeee, cf tbe fleet pa it, acd the aaid ArUa an Water Company 1 1 said county and BUte, of the second part, with tee stb : That the said iax ng Di-tilct and the said Artteisn Water Cimiaoy hereby mutue'ly enter into and bin t themselves, and their eucc eaeors, each to tbe o'.ber, to the fatihlul performance of tba stipulation hy them re-pectlvely araumed, aa fj I we, twlt: Pint Tbat tbe ssid Ait-also Water Company, for tba eot.btderstiona in this lostrom-nt iipreseari, and a abject lo the other stii-nlstiona thereof, agrees tbst it will peovids the water works, machinery aud appliarcea nec-sesry and proper fir supplying water to the public us". sr.d have tbe la n .raidr ir actual operation wiu Company agrees to fnrnlah Bald water for the foregoing specified purpoeei, and the ssid Taxing Distrlot agrees to receive and pay for tbe earns at the following rataV, to wit: For the first 100 fire hydrants, from 1 to 100 Inclusive, the earn of eighty (ISO) dollars each per annum. For ths second ICO fire hydrant, from 101 to 200 IcolUBive, the sum oi seventy ($70) dol'ara each per annum. For the third 100 fire ' hydrants, from 201 to 3'JO inclusive, tbe sum of eixty ($00) dollars each per annum. For all lire hvdrants in excete of 300, the sum of fllty ($50) dollars each per annum. ' . . Fur trefirt400 flush tanks, from 1 to 4(10 invasive, the irftn cf fifteen ($15) du'ln eerh rt For all t-i -i. - ' '. ths soni ni n i ' ) . - All tlo'a i. - ila u UA.U-, i r twice II reaaiita naid Taxing D.s- trict, in each period, of twenty-lour hours. For the said supply ol water necees'ryfur tha rTnalning pnrposts ht re nu fo'eeprcifled.theeuin of three thnnsand (f3'iO0) dol a'S per annum. Fjnrtn--rriBt it Ij agreed a d nn-Hnmtood bv the Darties hereto that tbe nricee before nsmed, fr.r fire hydrants nd flusli tsnke.ebsll enplv to esch fire hydrsct set or used, leai than tbe msx-imnm limit in tbe hundred dees to wblch It belongs and to pvsh flash tank set or used, leei than the maxi mum limit of the first c ass of four hundred hereinbelore mentioned ; that tbe fire bydranta eo to be supplied with water shall not be lees than ten (10) on an average to the mile for all mains or min pipes of six inches or more in diameter, operated by raid Artesian Water Company, but need not be nearer to each other than one eqnsre, or about SAO feet, unless the said Taxing District shall dneire to put them closer; but tbe said Taxing District rreervrt the rljht to put a fire hydrant, or fire hydrants, in on, pipes leesthsn six Inches In diameter, il it sbsll so wIsU ; that aaid Taxing District shall, at Its own coit. furnisb, set and keep In repar all aaid fire bydrantr, but ths Bald Artesian Water Company shall make the connections therewith ; and tbe aaid Taxing District shall contiens to be tbe owners of ssid fire hydrants and aball become liable tor the payment of tbe water rate, or price hereinbelore reserved, on snd for each and ever fire hydrant so soon as tbe Artesian Water Company s'isll bs actually preparad shall not bs less than forty pounds to the squsr inch, t all tlmea, unless a smaller pressure is txoressly lutnor- lsd ny aata " , Xwelln inai now nunijtroD vi miu water herein contracted for, shall, from tims to time be made, isrequtrtd by Bald Taxing Dlatrict, but that euch new analyses are not to be required oftener than twice per annum, and the cott of any anch analyees Is to be paid tor by tbe said laxiog patriot ti ths water appears thereby o bs up to the stsndard of this contract; other wise to bs psid lor by said Artesian Water Company. 1 hirteent That it is further sgreed that auy private coneumtr of the water to ha rupplled by said Artesian Wster Company may at any lime cease to take and nee the same upon giving Skid Viater company one r'ay's written notice at its office of a purpose bo to da; and in thifievvui, raid water company will refund to ta d private cansuuier so mncn of tbe water rate as may have been collected and shall not bsve teen earned by ssid waUr company, leas tbt usual charge for turning ofl tbe wtter, the consumption thereof to be paid for up to the date of tbe expiration of said notice. And that said turning off shall be done by said wat-r company and shall be pitid for by said consumer. Fourteenth 1 hat it is farther no-derauv d and agreed tLat If s aid An-(la a Water Company and the Memphis Water Com pa uy should consolidate, legally or practically, or shou'd come ouder a common manigemtnt or control, then tbe amount thereafter to become due to ssid Artesian Water At a members Kx-clieog", Western to October 20: of ih- ibe the a d the enterUlu-ment Oomptny nudf thia contract shall be . abaUd by the amounts thereafter to Main-become doe to said Memphis Water M. lmriam nni'iir it Ml.hnir mnlrlct and the fu IJ In resolution, tbe tw mad D. T. For and Btrwla For Company under its existing contract with the Taxing District Bat said abetment shall be made and shall continue only so long as ths district shall remain liable to said Memnhia Water Ojmpaov. Tbe pur pose ot this clause being that aaid two companies should not, after consolidation or alter csming under one management or control, claim paymeut from tbe district nnuer ootn conua.-ta. And it is asreed trtat ownership or control of a majority of tbe stock of each company by tbe tame persona shall be sufficient evidence of consolidation or common management. Tni, however, ia not to preclude any other mode ol proving tbe fact. Fifteenth TLat tbia contract snail to connect Hi mains or supply pipes I ex atandcont'.ne in force between tba with such fire talrants, aod shall partita hereto and tboir encceors for htmnmn notifv said Taxlna District tue period ol twenty (2J) years from i o rpecinea, in acoouiuon aaia uiui vm im !.- . to permit tte said Arusl.n aiqulre the ownership cf the enUre Tb ompanyto make, at Its iwt, wa er.orka, plaat and propertiei of J1" jtintiocs ol the rame wild tbe said Artelan Watei Cmpaoy, the c twelve months from the dte of the execution of this enn'r r', nnlees pre vented by unavoldabl d"nt or or clrcurostancea beyond )i r n'.rol such s shall be reasnab'y ml mr'ory to tno Legislative 0 ncc I o s.l-l Taili g Dtstrlct; Ibat the wur to he roppiioo sbsll be tbe good, rlea-, pnra aud n bob some wster of the character (xatntned and apprc.ved bv eatd Bjard of lnaprciora in their before mentioned report; that the source ol snp-ply si s i be t y means ol deep welle, ol tbedrptb ol shout 400 letthe'ow ths level of Coort t-'quare In ssid Tax-jig D.stilct, or deepur, If ceceaearv, snokincr near the aeid Taxing D.a-tr'ct, and that the water Iherefroa aliall be dittrboted thronghout the ssid Tsilng Drtilct by a atriee ot niainsandconduiUcmnrcted with a stsnd pipe, or stsnd Pipes, ot such strength, tapacity and I blent as to furntsn a coneism iu uj yij- ol its readiness to make sncL couneo- tirn. Fifth That it Is also agreed, and undi-rstcod by and between theptr-ti s, that tbe aaid Taxing Dls'rict, aball at its own cos', furnisb, m land ke?p In repair all said rjnsb tanks, but said Ar-tea au Wstt r Company sbsll make cinnictinna therewith; and that said Taxing District ahall continue the owners ff said flash tanks, acd st all become llab.e (or the psvment of the wster rate, or price he reinbefore re-nerved, on and fjr each and every fiuih tank aforesaid, ai Bonn as tbe said Artesian Wster Company at a' I bs actually prepared tolconnect its mains or supply pipes witn such flush ttnk, and shall thereupon D' tify aaid Tax ing D.itrlct of its readiness to make sncb connrcMon, a.:d tba (aid Artesian Wster Company shall makeiu.h connection tbereal er whenever re quired by aaid Taxing District. Blxtb-Tbat the aaid Taxing Die trict thai), at its own cost, furnish in dus time, set and keep In repair, all the appliances and Instrumentalities required lor the remaining serves . . i m . i ji.t Herein DeiO'e rpecinea, in cnouiuon suitable Water Ot oroDsr eonn its mains and pipes and ta f iirnlah the supply ol wster for such remaining ssiviM,and tbe Bald Aiteslaa Wa er Company ia tbe preparation and repair ol the ssme, will only be ex-Dected to attach them bvthe oaaal ani proper connections to its systrm ot mains and pipes and maintain the aaid connections; that tha Bald supply of water sbsll begin so soon as the said Artesian Water Company ba I become actually pri-par-'d to fnrnlib it and to make saeu cir.nec lone, snd hall therenpon notify sail Jsxing District of ns rtadim aa to begin sica buduIv and to make inch con neclons: snd tl a, from tbe fate of aid notice, riven after said actual readiness, tbe raid Taxing Dlatrtct shall become liable acd bound lo pat tbe Dries srd rate hereinbefore named for said remaining servic. And alo, that said ArUstan Wat r Company shall not be rrqiired to furnisb tbe two ruhllo f-ai Ulns lereinb-fore speclflsd snd contemplated with wster to n'ar Inns-er than ten Loans In each twentr-four hours, tbe said rnnnlng hours to bs dee goatee by aaid Taxing Ill.iriiL Heveuth That It ia faither agreed ml nndftalxod. that the Said Tsxtng Diitrlrt shsll psy In cn to said Art-sian Water Company the rates and prices In this contract mentioned, as on a basis ol aa annual compensation. In tba following manner for all aaid servicer, to wit: Ia twelve monthly payments for esch and ever? year due at tba end of each month, fur tbe pro rata service applicable to tbe month eo the de'.eol its execu Ion, unless sooner ebrugoted by mu nal conatnt or ended by tt e bous nie purcnase or con-B'rnotlun ol a general water works plant by and for said T.xlcg D.stnct sa hi-reinslter provided. rix eenth l oat notbing in idis contract stall be ao cons ru'd as to prohibit or prevent la d Taxing U s-trict Iroin erectlna its own gvneral sjs-tem of water works or lrm porcbasmg any gensril sys'em of water wjrks rented by any other company. Aod npon the comp'etiou of the erection ol euch new works, or of tbe pnrcl aie ot soch works aneadr constrncteJ, and a ihfn prramt ability to furnlsl water suflicient In qisnii y ana tl Boffiolent y good qailny I r public acd priva'e pu po ea in tbe Judgment tl eald Taxu g District, loru.al notice I f the tactshail be given by etia ..taxing Dlatrict to said Artesian W ater Com pany, aod sit mouths rfter the dste of each nonce tbie contract eiall thereby become abrogated and void. Seventeen 'b Ibat if at any time liter ten (10) yesra from the date ot the rsscntlon of tbie contract, tha said Taxing District saoold desirs to For and Fiv. For Dev. For side Duff For aide FiT X For ehops John For For Beas-lev, chair-mn ers, Tom aud Ghair-man 10 call one fiat Memphis. ihw ol to ha said, Eiohth That It is also ssreed and understood, between the raid parties II a' It ra d Arteilan Water Company slu.n d bic nu unable to furniab the sni u t ot waUr required for pqblis ujiiniciDB' uiee.bv reason ol a dt fi :len- c In supply intended to be used, then, and tveuU msy declsre Its option lor an nro rsta to be psid atall be made in pioportlon to lbs said o mtoiauco aappiv. ana II ths said supply ol water should at any time prove loeufllclent for botJi tha tmoilo ana private use in saia T x!ng Oirtrltt mar deeignaU to ahlch nte, public or private, tbe enpply shall be siveu dnring sncb tneofflc eucy. Niuth That the said Artesian Watr Com pan v In furnishing supplies of la'ter company hereby agrees loaall tbe asms lo eald mooicipiiity niton terms lair, Just and reasonable 10 both partiees but thst ssid municipality sla 1 g;vss-ld Arteilan Water Uom- pany sixniooirs notice vi - aim-mlostion to make said purchase. And if, by the time of tbe expiration of aaid not es, tbe raid parties shall not have aged npon price, then, tbst said waterworks plant aud properties aball be valued by five diemWrea ed persons, two to bs spulut'd or siciei cy eaiu i't, u fif h ta be a dia btetea'ed nun-resident hjdranllo ei gleer ol dabli-hsd repuut on ana to be se lected by the four parsons prev ons y aopolnUd by lb parties, and nioa ths psvment tt tbe said Artewlan Water Company by the asid lam.g Dltrlnt ol ibe valuttlon so aaeefed and fixed, tte light to all such waterworks p aot and properties shall v st In Ba d TtxlogD etrict. And in the vent that said Arte t aa Water Com iiv st ibaand uf laid all mouths, htll refute, when requested by said Taxing Dieti lot, to B-ii-ct meiwoaia- inta'tMted pi-rsone npon its pan as atoreeald. then, that said Taxing Dlatrict msy, and a Sal I. within ten das after, appoint tbe four dialnteroated persons aloresaiu, wuo sriau rrinct the filth aa above provided. It h also agreed that tba alorerald six months' ce'Jce, whenever given, shall bs so given aa to expire on tne istoi January or latof July next thereafter. Eighteenth That this contract la msde subject to tbe police power of, and to all lawiui ponce or oeami regulations or ordinances now in tores or A Te on saw-dust ol pro-lm cf couo-ty. surprised this tha In yet that en but the (yffli sb all and nlatlnnaorordinapcranowtniirce or hereafter enacted bv Sld TaiiDg UA-1 trict, and sabjsct to all latalregaia- tlonaandordluancis present or loiura. ;(t or cutting Into etreets, alleys, eta, and f replacing the eoll and pavements h, thereol. And ine worn, oi open ag in ihese, or e.tner ei inree streeia, . ..... ;-----" 2" , that the asm tax rg uistrict psrmiici m. iam lami ."''- a.- 0i this contract v Id, or, at gineer, approve; by the i rseiaeni oi - r .a r I I .-J nlle.aa P kinm'saslniii Tit A I 1 " ' conuuu. laisraa sn. '""''"'" " X "i .',7 iV.. y limited u;.piy, ana a proper sou .no P ";- - - sure ct from forty to seventy pounds said water to private consumsrs shall to the rqoars Inch tberelrom, lor fire so arranga Its water pipes snd con- and other porpoaea. dnlts that euch consumers may bave Hecond fbat It I agreed by and the connections thereunto made at the v.,-..., tha na-ties hereto that tha Inner boundary line of the sldewa k supply ol aa'er nqnlred by the said or al'ey a-'J lining, or nearest, the "K 1 rv. . i.a at Hl.lla miinlAinal I hsamlaaa Ia Ka arinnllail t..i. niatriet I ir nublio municipal nsida is embraced by and imited to tbe following pnrpotee, towll: lat-For fire brdreiita. 21 For flush tanks, 3d-For damping stsllona. fh-Kor pnblio municipal efflcea. 6th-Far ponce stations, fltb For municipal hospitals. ' 7ih Formgine houses. g h-For pujIIc foutitilns (not over B h For paiiltiiry stables. 10th Por levie aaehlrg. llth-Forwa-.blng sanliary wagons Md BPp'lBneew. m in i. w , r niPL hi kui via. 1 ... . t lie.ui.ura 13th-For poddllug pBvemsnta. nd premise to bs snnolied Tsntb That lbs wster rates charged private consumers by said Artestai Water Company aha'l not si-tesd the rerags regular ra ee for tbe like service as determined by the rrtu'ar rates ol tbe three cities, towit: Nasb-vllle.rTennesaaa, Atlanta, Urorg' a, and Kansas City Miseourl ss they now sre or may hr.re.fier be changed. But that tha said ArteeJan WstsrO impsny (ball not be required to conform He ratss tosucb ctanges, II made, until Its next following semi-annual collection day. K even tb That ssid Artesian Water Company ehs.l furbish and mslntda in the cmos cl the uhlti ot ths r.rs Leparlment 0! Bald Taxing Ulatrict ,a. .'. rnhlic drlckirg tounialns sauae orlndkator, properly connected font ever twelve). h"b n the purpoe ot it.Kirnriiiailo trinali (not over showlrg the amonnt ot pressure In Tblrd-That the lk! Watei Bald mains, aod thst ssid pressure so auo an by said gauge or Ind.cator ihl. and so aa to be In every roe pec t la as good condition as before ihe opening was ms.le. And il In toe opinion ol said Taxing District K.i-gmeer the work ot replsclog the soil and ie)ving the pavements shall not la dons In the manner aforesaid, then the eaidengneer may dj tbe samsst thee st of, snd to be charged to sr.d paid by, the said Artealan Water Com- PAnd leave is hereby given to Slid Aries an Water Cimpany to use a l tha nnhtlo a-ree'e. isnes, atieve ana aidewalka, wltbin tbe laid Tsx'ng District, lor tbe pnrf oees oi n. operations, suhject to tbe foregoing stipulations In Ibis article. Nineteenth Tl at it ia sgre-a ami understood tbst tbe expiration, abrogation, or ending, of this contract In any manner hereinbelore provided, shall not i fleet or change the right cl tha said ArUa an Water uompanv u maintain Its waterworks, and to furn ish water the refToi to privan con-sun ers, if It shall so desire. In witness, the parties hereto hsvs s'gied their names In rlnpl.cate, ths day and yer above written. AnTPafAS WATFBfOVPAWY, lie K C.i K V K -, Iroa danl. f). y. HAl'I'kM, B.ANoNI'"r-P.Y. laa Ciiamie.looare, jnIM i. w KLLgK, Boe'f, r', V ""I r LL0P, . UIAKLP8 . H.sra f rsdis Wvrkia AtU-ti Appiorti: To ' i