Obituary Harold Columbus Thorn, the onl) sun of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thom, quietly passed way at the home tf bis uncle, Mr. and M rs. C A. Ltntecum, Monday evening at 10.20 o'clock, age two years, two months and Dine days. Mr. and Mrs. Thorn brought their baby in to seethe doctor Saturday and found be was too 111 to return to their home, seven miles aoulheast of Lock-wood, hence, stopped with bis brother-in-law, where the baby passed away. Tbe ehort chapter of life was ended and the lttlle life passed to tbe iaad unseen. With Daniel, of old, we may tay. Can 1 bring him back again, I aball go to him, but be shall not return to me." Sod Samuel, 12-23. My little one, my eweet one, Tbou caosi not come to me But uearer draws the numbered hour When 1 shill go to thee And thou, perchance, with aerayb smile And golden harp in hand, Miy come, the first to welcome me, To our Immanuel's land Funeral s-rvlccs were held Wednes day and the burial was at tbe Lock-wood cemeiory. The Co luu Liberty Sunday school sent a beautiful wreath of nature's lovely fl iwer to a piace on the little casket. Contributed