Substitute RE .Whites Beat Reds 7 to : to End Spring Grid : Practice. LINE PLAY OUTSTANDING I BY WALTER E. DOBBINS. I Two substitute ball luggers, Ralph Eldrldge, a former Norfolk thigh school halfback and .Glenn Skewes, whose - fine punting at Imperial put him in favor, stole the play in Friday's spring grid finale with a spirited bit of ball .carrying that gave Lawrence Ely's White shirts a sljm 7 to 0 decision1 over Steve Hokufe Red Jerseys. ' ; -The touchdown came on a beautifully executed triple pass, Eld-Txldge taking the pigskin on a 'Sweep and racing nine good rarda "across the chalklines. Chris Mathis placeklcked the extra point. Skewes remarkable line plug-"lng: Mathis' very creditable ball I'carrying and Eldrtdge's brilliant . nd runs carried the ball down the field In a succession of first downs that accounted for the lone touchdown. r It was a fine exhibition of line i play all the way thru while the . offensive used by the rival squads i brought out several performers ; jvho before had been more or less ! shadowed by some of the veterans. , ' t Parsons Looks Good. Rnri Parsons did some fine work 'in the backfleld; franklin Meier Is 'developing Into an excellent '.center: Chick Armstrong and E i mer Hubka looked good on the line . while ths made-over backs; Melvln !swanson, guard; John Roby and Lee Penney, ends, left little to do 'asked for. ,- Pannev'a Wocklno' was cartlcu jiarly effsctlve, the Tabor, la., boy cashing In on his backfleld knowledge to great advantage. Roby t'djd a fine job of punting and wplayed a whale of a game on the ixving. iV, There were few long runs in "Friday's battle' but some of the -Tdutitandlnr features besides those .-already mentioned were . Chris Mathis': inhibition at quarter and ,e a ball' carrier, the play of :Swanson and Hubka at guard and '. Schlenter's performance at tackle. Most of the veterans gave a good account of themselves, this toeing particularly true of Ely, .Bishop, DeBus and McPherson in jthe.line; Bauer and Maaterson, in .-tne backfleld. Steve, Bernle Play Limit. Steve Hokuf and Bernle Master-son, because of the lack of substitute backs for their positions, played the full sixty minutes. Steve's best run was in the first period, when with a yard to go on the fourth down, he cracked the middle for a fifteen yard gain. He . alternated with Masterson on the , throwing end of the passes and took a turn at left end on defense. J..' Following the game Coach Bible ."'checked the following " Men " as ! "those showing up especially .well "during the spring period: J'1"- Ends; Armstrong, Copple, Roby. T Penney. Wolcott, D. Hulbert, Weir, Scott, Bristol and Peterson. 1: Tackles: Holmbeck, C. Hulbert, ; , Green, Hladky, Pflum, MpPherson, r Schleuter, Uptegrove. i- Guards: Bishop, DeBrown, De-Bus, Hubka, Swanson, Justice, . Mehrlng, Peek. - Centers! Ely, Meier, i, Preste- gaard,- Kerlakedes. J. Backs: Bauer, Boswell. Eld- l ridge, Fahrnbruch, Hokuf, Master- son, Mathis, Miller; F. Murray, !" Parsons, Skewes, Staab, White and ' Overstreet. . '-' The starting lineups of Friday's 'ttnelee: ' . HoVuf's Rsas Kly's Whites www t w WrtluUr .. H Bishop, , IS Meter o. ...... DeBus. ...... .....raj 7" Hoimbck rt....... "Penney re v Mutinoa ...... .ejb Miller ...,. lh....... Parsoni tti Hokuf , tb. ...... Armstrong . Hladky Swanson ..... Ely Hubka McPherson , . . Roby .. ' Bauer ... Staab , Boswsll . Murray aeon by psrlods: 'whltea , 0 T 0 Rs4a 0 0 0 ToihMotii Bid rhtfe.' ' ' 1 Try for Ml ' w. Subjlltutlof lor Mint: Mxtii fFiacemeaj istltutlons: F or Ftnnsy, Di FovMr. f or coppia, Wol v cott for Ftnnsy, t Brown for Bishop, Jus- tlc oa for DtBua. for DtBus, Kerlakedea for Molar, iPflum for Sehlsuter, Uptrovt for Holm-bMk, Whits for Pareona. . C. Huloert tor y McFhtrtoa, Skewes for Staab, gUrlilae for t Boewell. Utthis for Bauer. D. Hulbert for II, MS , Annetrong, rreetegaara tor Ely, reea ior Hubka,. Mehrinr for Swanson, Weir for 'Roky, Scott 'for Weir, Schmidt for White, iHedlund for DeBrown. Offirlelsi Karl Johnson, referee! Char- iY Black, umpire; Joe Lehman, head Snaeman ; Id weir, field Judge. double 4 a at