ID I LINCOLN 8UXDAY JOURNAL -AXD STAR October T, im Venge Dennis Drives for Score ers JHusk Hugs Voss G A- Nebraska's .3rd touchdown came' on Huskers Continued from Page ID. off and drove 70 yards in 17 plays. t Thornton and Rudy Johnson were sent pummeling into the line and Claridge took it the last yard neatly on a keeper. When the extra point try' was messed up, the Huskers -never -tried to kick fl?aln. making 3 out of 4 at tempts for two-pointers. In the first drive Nebraska lost Thornton with a sprained ankle. Stuewe never played and Theisen saw only a bit of defensive duty: But Claridge, quarter-backing both of Devaney's alternating units,- used other classy backs to keep the fire blazing. .. . Iowa State'as .- stopped -cold - and the Huskers proved the first touchdown was no fluke, moving 80 varrlo in 7 nlflVR. Claridge hit end Larry wm 1 . A a .-Jm n lomimsun ivr 00 varus um Willie Ross, running like a runaway rocket, posted 21 yards around end."' Warren Powers exhibiting great experience by running at dow tuiiDacK ana left half, sizzled over for the last 3 yards. Claridge passed to end Jim Huge for the extra two points to make it 14-0. Nebraska backed the Cy-clines into the hole and Theisen returned Gary Ellis' punt to the I-State 47. It took just 10 plays from there, aided by the first of two pass interference calls against the Cyclones. . Ross and Johnson did the lue2ihe and ClaridEe kept over the left side for the final two yards. Ross dashed around . the right side for two more points . and it was 22-0., The thrills were still to come. lOn, the first play .after the klckoff Hoppmann was belted and fumbled and Tomlinson snuggled around' the ball at the Iowa State 44. On the first play Claridge .7 rolled to the right spotted Huge dashing down the middle and hit him with a perfect strike for a 44-yard touchdown.' That made it 28-0 and Cornhusker f a n s ' didn't think there could be any thing to upset the afternoon. But Hoppmann got the Cyclones rolling., ' 1 He passed 11 yards to end Dick Limerick at tha Husk-, r 23. Thert was considerable booing on tha play as it looked for a moment lika 1 (N) (H) I' c Sfdrnfc r A f , S t f 5 r two Capture Limerick might have trapped the ball. , The Huskers were upset lapse to hit the fine for a yard and then send sopho- more fullback Tom (Gunner) Vaughn scurrying around left end for 22 yards and a touchdown. Schrieb-er kicked the extra point to make it -. 28-7 at. half time. However, Coach Clay Stapleton had the Cyclones at fever pitch after the half-time and they put the pressure on NU. Big. Bob -Brown stopped one threat with a pass interception at the . Husker 3 but an NU fumble was gobbled up by the quick Cy-clones at the NU 7. -; jiuec ia; ji5eu luauL Tiaa nlnifa Mat4Ay4 4t4 tt yards but Hoppmann caught the Huskers looking for , a. run and lobbed an -easypass-to-linibrictifoEj. a .i j - rm. i - incut gwu uy ovuiexu- er and it was 28-14. Nebraska drove goal ward but a Ross-fumble halted the drive at the Iowa State 19- r-Ty-Robertson had the an- swer when he drove through to block a quick kick by State's Mike Cox. Tomlinson grabbed the ball at the Score by quarters: Iowa State 7 7 S-K Nebraska 14 14 9 8-36 Time Gone Period Row Scre 7:48, 1st period, Claridge, one-yard plunge, PAT Powers ran no (food . . . NU (, IS I. 11:52, 1st period. Powers, 3-yard run, PAT CUridm pan to Huge good...NU 14. IS. ' - 6:48, ,2nd period, Claridge, .2-yard run. PAT Ross,- run . . . NU 28, IS 9. v pasS to Huge, 44-yaras, PAT-Claridge pass no good , . NU 28, IS S.' 12:17, 2nd period, Vaughn, 22-yard run, PAT Schreiber kick good . . . NU 28, IS 7. 11:44.. Srd. period Hoppm ann pass to limerick, one-yard, PAT Schreiber kick good . . . KU 28, IS 14. . .'. :. . ... ... 3:43. 4th period, Garidge S-yard plunge, PAT Claridps pass to Tomlinson good . . . !U Ji, IS 14. t in.- 4th period,-. Hoppmann 3r yard run, PAT Vaughn, run . . NU 36, IS .22. ' uiiKiois reieree, jameo; umpire, John Lloyd; linesman, ( Harold A. Saunders r- field ludee. ' WiUiam E. Wolf; back Judge, Wil- nam T. bcnmitt. Honest Answer Asked how he felt with about one minute left , In, the game, llusker halfback' . Kent McCioughan . stand- ing on the sidelines, smil-' ing said: -nredr JHebrasica "louchdovn: Crown (N) r ft -6 (I) Carlson (N) ..... . .. Johnson. (N) 5 m - yard keeper by Dennis Claridge (inset). Un WW Cyclone IS. On the play the frustrated Iowans piled "n a bit and the nenaltv nut the ball on the State 9. claridge went over on . wedffe DlaT Dass to Tomlinson got two more and it was 36-14 and the is-"sue was decided. Iowa State went JLyards for its last score - with Vaughn scoring from two yards out , , but it was too late.. Nebraska disdained a stalling game and marched to the Cyclone 17. But Devaney took Claridge out at that point with a minute left and .John Faiman and Ernie Bonis-tall couldn't get the . ball over. - 1 - MT 0- . fT varAe nn t-airr nf hoe 1at DlflVa -tm manaee(i 034 yards rushing and 153 pass--ing for 387 total Iowa State ran for 147- total Ross led the Husker ball .carriers with 86 yards on 13 carries. . Next week the Huskers go after No. 4 and it will DeNorta Carolina-State- to celebrate band Day at the Stadium. It will be the last non-conference game of the season. 3 .1; F " . 'i! f - t, V. 3rd h itti -i ir niif m liHH I'rrriBir -f-1 irrnriiMinti issMi nnnnf ' ' nt1 f-r i - -nr '--r m "ti mv 1 mi' tl --i,.. .fclUl m4 .-.t ; m -s !-- -- s-Twr i wn mmfrmmmm T T r mini i mmm HI tssn t nil ism mmi mr - f - - --.- Claridge (N) ; f -j (-ir. . , Y --- I fTt rt r r )t"- j .w4 f llKMMlfll IHl ri' tl llUlli ill, i IIIHIH Mill I I j 11 . w win 1 mi 1 My i m .i,":.i,i 1 .in... ji 11 11. iiiii;;:t-mp.-m iwiiiih i .u iin n ,mmmyt '-.!-mfZPfiai r V "'r- -:-:;-v..v : - Y , I X . ' , l - N , - - - - 1 r 1 1 - am m ilflii ' ' if n i 11 ii m in i n i i M . And More Cornhusker Spirit on Nebraska 'Just Send Clippings' to Stapleton By DON BRYANT ' .x,Therffwa5 some evidence Saturday afternoon that the Nebraska Cornhuskers had a special grudge against Iowa State because of the p re-game baHy-hoo cam- - paign from Ames. t - They were talking about Cyclone coach Clay Stapler . ton's - attempts to perhaps J get them over-confident . while : juicing up his club by booming the Huskers as a powerhouse. , As It turned out, the - Scarlets were lust that but theNeb r a s k a players weren't sure of Stapleton's v sincerity when the game started. -x - First tipoff that the Corn- huskers were gunning for the Cyclones' came before the game. Equipment manager Floyd Bottorff sent student managers to clean s battle scars off helmets from the Michigan game-but the Huskers wouldn't let the job be done.l : "The kids were proud, of those stains and wanted to keep them on their helmets," Bottorff said. That's a good sign they're really eager to go." With a couple of minutes left in the game, Husker tackle Lloyd Voss who didn't want to be inter- vieweu at iiuu-wcca tame off the field, grinned and said: "I still don't have any- thing toay just senAJhe clippings to Mr. Stapleton." Co-captain Bill (Thunder) Thornton, who had to sit out the. most of the game after spraining an ankle, said he asked to be taken out of the game a couple of plays after he got hurt "I was blocking and the 'pile fell on me," Bill said. "I thought it was just a nerve, but I couldn't dig and when I couldn't pull a "guy who just had hold of my pants I thought it was time in rtaf Aiif V 1 .Thornton expressed disap- Cornhusker Spirit on Husker Noel Martin ran so players are up and shouting during & Big pointment because" he couldn't play longer, "I really wanted to play," he said. "Every morning I Iok Ifl the mirror, see that scar they gave me last year, and remember - Iowa State. But there are going to be more important games now, I guess." ' " Thunder also noted Staple-" ton's pre-game propaganda and 'said, "I guess Mr. Nebraska BUSHING ' Tries Gains Lost Net Claridge Thornton Powers Johnson Young Ross .t ...16 .. 4 ... 7 ... 9 ...5 ...13 61 17 30 30 10 86 9 28 0 0 S 0 2 8 1 0 0 0 13 10 58 17 28 22 ' 9 McCloughan i 4: 1 1 . a ' 2 Martin .... Faiman t PASSING Att. Comp. Int. Yds.7 Claridge Faiman .13 9 0 1153 .. 2 0 0 0 PASS RECEIVING No, 1 1 Yds, TO Powers Tomlinson Huge . Johnson Eger Corns tock 14 38 83 9 7 2 4 1 1 ...... 1 PUNTING No. At. Claridee 2 40 . FUNT BETU1USS No. Yds. Theisen 1 J2 Tomlinson 1 5 i, KICKOFF RETURNS No. Yds. Powers ' ............ 1 15 McCloughan - ...... ... . . . 1 17 Johnson 3 fflofa hard he reached bleachers. Stapleton must feel pretty disappointed after all that publicity and nice things he said about me all week. . "I only played a couple -of minutes which proves it takes 11 men to play football and one man isn't in-- dispensible.-We've got the plays,-the guys and the ' spirit which makes us pretty hard to contain." ; End Jim Huge and guard Jed - Rood, while - happy, Suited out that the Huskers d a second half let down. "We didn't play good tie second half at , all," Huge Tialdrwhfle Boodsaldr 'We were lucky to get off -' -as good as we did but a letdown against a good PASS INTERCEPTIONS ToogOOd 1 Brown .................. 1 Iowa State RUSHING Att. Gala Low Net . J 3 6 -3 .20 86 15 71 . 1 0 0 0 . 9 73 0 73 .3 7 0 7 . 1 1 01 Switzer Hoppmann Limerick Vanghn . Kimbrough -Oayberg-- Clay PASSING Att. CompL Intc. Yds. ..12 7 1 70 ...2 0 10 Hoppmann Switzer PASS RECEIVING No. Yds. TD . Limerick ......... 5 54 "X Montrey .......... 1 11 0 Schreiber ......... 1 5 0 PUNTING No. Ave. Ellis 4 38 PUNT RETURNS , No. Yds. Limerick :... 1 3 KICKOFF RETURNS No. Yds. Brown .t. 2 16- Schreiber ......... 1 .10 Hoppmann 2 41 Switzer uvv--- 1 15 the Sidelines Red drive. . . . , State - Is " Scarlet quarterback Dea nis Claridge, who had an other great afternoon at the NU helm, took a long hot-shower after the game, then remarked: "We were fired up -1 everyone really wanted to win. I guess maybe we were kind of tired about hearing all that stuff Mr. : Stapleton was frying to feed -us." . ... . v Claridge said early in the T game the- "quarterback apserfe wortinztta aiter a while our halfbacks sweeps went good. : - - But the thinf that mad It all possible were the linementhey did everythlar right in that first half." Husker halfback Willie Ross said "Iowa State has ; a good team--but we've got-two, even 3, good teams. End Mike Eger. who W- 8 fered a cut on his eyebrow 0 in the 4th quarter, grinned, "You couldn't beat that , first half, could you?" Big Bob Brown, a stand out blocker and linebacker all day, was cutting tape off his ankle when . he said, "We've got a good team. I guess you always get a little jnad at thejjuysjrou think can stop you from being champs. I felt all along, that if we got by this game we could go all the way ' we're sure going to fry." Co-captain Dwain Carlson -thought Michigan might have a slight line advant- . age over Iowa State, but not in the backfield. "t don't think Iowa State hit quite as hard up front, but they've got good backs, and they really hit hard.' Tackle Tyrone Robertson disagreed slightly, saying, "Iowa State hits a little harder than Michigan on those outside sweeps. Iowa State is more polished than Michigan was because they've played more games and know what they're do-ing." v. s Nebraska : Left ends Larry Donovan, Lar ry Tomlinson, BiH Comstock, Mike Eger. Left tackles Tyrone Robertson, Monte Kiffin, Larry Kramer. .Left guards Dwain -Carlson, John Kirby, John Dervin. - Centers Ipn Michka, Jim Baf-fito, Don Stevenson. Right tackles Lloyd Voss, Al Fischer, Ron Briesse. Right guards Bob Brown, Gary Toogood, Don McDermott, Jed Rood. . . . - - Right ends Dick Callahan, Jim Huge. . Quarterbacks Dennis Claridge, DoSg .Tucker, John Faiman, Ernie Bonistall. Left halfbacks Warren Powers, Willie Ross, Dave Theisen. Right halfbacksKent McCloughan, Rudy Johnson, Tom Ernst, Willie Paschall. 'Fullbacks Bill Thorton. Gene Young, Noel Martin. . . g..-. , . . ..... Iowa State Left ends Larry Schreiber, Aanay iuaa,- iarry Montre. Left tackles Norm Taylor. Bruce Crasser. Lett guards Dick Walton, Chuck Steimle, John Berrington. Centers Jim Clapper, Ray Stef- ry, Tom farnsn. Right guards Cart Proto". Tun Jirown. Right tackles Frank Belionick, John Van Sickler, Don Andersen. Right ends John McGonegle, Scott Tieke, Larry Hannahs. Quarterbacks Larry. Switzer, Ron Onopa. 1 - - . Left halfbacks Dave Clayberg, Dave Hoppemann, Ozzie Clay. Right halfbacks Dick Limerick. Mike Cox, Gary Ellis, George Crayton. .-. - Fullbacks Tom Vaughn, OUS Williams,: Ed Kimbrough.'. . team like -Iowa ' dangerous. "