OTRE DAME NOT TO PLAY NEBRASKA FighU and Fighters. NOTRE DAME CANCELS CONTRACT WITH NEBRASKA. Action Taken After Rockne Had Agreed While in Lincoln to Play Nebraska Here November 6. SOrTUnHNI». «Ind.. Dec. Noire Danie and Nebraska, inib-1meet ttext y eai I IiHlÌNna|K>H<t liay Hahn of Imll ‘ i.-s «liadcU .la- kl>- lirons of t lovelHnii in ! h ttn-routi<l Cnui linte h . k I o . In ¡Ih.- «»111 final How aril M -fU'In of >iew '.Albany, inil., outt •ninni K-wpb 'I'nm- tila of •'hiiago In t«*n round». \t»ti*rluu, Im. 'l’inkr, rîi*ori 5 <' of ‘tdar H’hUx. will ni*-rt .sprui i .Hmlt-i. nr^ro fighter of Fieiport, 111., tn Hip »•mi-w luluti of a boxili« .how h-rp i nt«ht, Tho iiiM.n go wtil I p bi'M ■••n A I pit Kniiui of V.'.-iti rloo and "Buz* ’ 111 filth of Trir.lty • -111 ^p. .xioux Cltv. New York .■.oily S. pin.iii, w ■ o'k ! liglitw p|«hl, volunippipil to thp « orr.mlt- itpp 111 ■ har«p of thp I'lub - ■ und ¡ beripflt to nicpf lloi k> Kaii.n.«. ni w Ugh* w i l«ht i hatiUMon. tor notliln« and to donate Íó.OOO to the fund If h. won Ihp titip. KanPiiP was ..aid lo hux< , ... turned down nn offpi rf JlS.OOi) to eleven year.s opponents in gridiron. I i.u. vinez and th.- oonunitt. » .\thletlC I ha» not bppn ahio to Bign a main 8.— for relationa between the two schools have been severed for at Ra.st a year. ‘ The faculty board o control of the rniversity of Notre Dame wiehe.s to announct* ih.at Notre Dame and I’nlv» rsity of Nebraska will not meet in 1926,” was the WO'dim.', ol tlu bout. New York Rpport. matb' to th- N'pw Vork boxing . oiiiintw.lon that .1,^ k I>pl«ney, Hrtdgi port light hp*v> weight, is la good (ondllton laurpd tbp odd. to bp nhoi t,^«*iip<l to T to J tfo-t I’Hiil M pi -- tpnt'B' h, light h* avywplglit i hHi'io' n, will bpRt him w hpu thpv meet Friday night In Madlaou Squuip liiitdi-n. I tonight and .signed by Rev. (leorge (. ¡g (» chairman, j comment, no rea- jsons given, no cause of the bteaeh .suggesieii either in the statement Hev. Father Finnegan or any nif mber of the board, or by ('oach Rockne. No one would dis-i 1 1 ii, leaving ihe public to draw'i ¡¡.s own conclusions. Neither would . the team.s should meet next year, stattment issued ¡the players would have enjoyed another game, with revenge, of their defeat thi.s year as their reward. Others are happy that the relations have broken. The teams quit even, each having won five games and tied one. So it l.s not generally regarded poor sportsmanship, hereabouts. Foaen Rockne will announce the rest of his 1926 schedule on Thurs- 1 tiu y .-uggest whether relations | day, when Nebraska may learn the might be t. imweu in 1927, or ever. | Notre Dame’.s decision came ¡after a conterence with Coach ¡ liearg of Nebraska He was there Liibl talked with Rockne an<l writh the athletic board. \\ liat hi.s pjop- osifion wH.s Notre Dame would not aui.oume. It was rejected. Rearg ha.s bdr. Dates May Have Conflicted. Recau-e of the attitude of Rockne and Father Finnegan on ! .Monday, when they announcml that they wern willing to book Nebraska ; again if an agreeable date could be J hl!rcrn7lud*eiVTo raneel'^the >ea.-hed. if may be taken that the concluded to cancel the L-ish and Fornhuskers could not 6 identity of the team that replaces the lluskers on their schedule. Thus far, however, Notre Dame has stood by its "tight lipped” policy of revealing nothing. Nebraska, It was understood, wished the game to be played in Lincoln. A game to be announced Thursday will be a home game, the only game schedule<l for November on Fartler field, Penn State and Georgia Tech coming in October. Foach Rearg expressed surprise Tue.«day evening on return from get logeiner either November 6 or Novnnber 20. Rockn*' al.so has booked Fniver- I try of Southern Fallfornia for a gam** in L«)s .\ngeles next I>**cem- ber I. and r«*gards that as an in- 11 i-r .scciicnal game with the far- west. It is urnier.stood that Drake ' ha.s b**en offered a date, and that the Des Moines srhool i.s altenipt- it.g to revamt» its schedule to meet the Irish, i>ossibly in South Rend, a.s anoth**r inter-seetional clash. Roikne may have an open date unl*‘^s he book**d another ea.sfern t* am, b 'sides Penn States and .\rmy. An open date at mid-season would be welcomed, he intimates because of the heavy schedule and much travel, especially California. Opinion at Soath Bend. , , ,, , ^^11* ged poor sportsniau.ship Ion the part of .Nebraska at Lin- 'I'he concetiiUs of oiunion here i.s that rt'ldtions between the two schools have been broken because two tim**s the Irish . i i barges were brought home by but a year ago the two I leam.M were very friendly when th**y played here. ’I'his year, however, the fans and players felt the sllng of "vaudeville” that amused Ihe crowd between halves, and local follower.« of the team charged that remarks from the sidelines were far from eoniplinienlary to the Irish. They were taken a.s insults. The religious faith of the Irish also wa.s said lo have been held up to ridicule by so-called "western humor” Opinion is divided over whether game with Nebraska next year. Coach Rearg and George Holmes of the athletic department made the trip to South Bend where they met the board members. At that time the board did not state what it would do but said that they would decide at a meeting to be held later. They w'ere to wire as soon as i decision was reached. Nebraska and Notre Dame had a three year contract with one more year to run and Notre Dame in this action broke the contract. Knute Rackne, Notre Dame coach, while in Lincoln on the night before the Thanksgiving gamt* Hgre«ui I hat Notre Dame would play Nebraska at Lincoln next year on No vember 6. There was some feeling expressed at South Rend following the game again.st alleged treatment of Notre Dame here, claiming that proper respect had not been shown the team ou account, of some signs that appeared in the down town district. Expressed No Feeling. Players nor Rockne expressed any feeling after the game and as far as Is known left iJncoln with the best of feeling toward the Nebraska players. Rockne is quoted after the game as saying that It wa.s the cleanest game ever played between Nebraska and Notre Dame. Members of the athletic department following the game commented on the good spirit shown on the Held and the splendid spirit during the game. Some Notre Dame rooters claimed that they were booed during the half \ but few Nebra.Mka jieople had knowledge of any mistreatment ot the followers of the Indiana team. Coach Rearg said Tuesday evening that Nebraskans could rest assured that with the refusal of .Notre Dame to play, the country would be scoured for a big team to meet Nebraska in Its place. Coach Rearg tried to get games with th<* Big Ten, trying every team but could not schedule a game, and also tried some eastern teams but did not succeed. Pittsburgh has talked of signing up with Nebraska but might not be willing to play here until 1927. Notre Dame haS won one game out of the last four played with Nebraska. Nebraska defeated the Indiana school in 1922, 1923, ami 1925. Nebraska spoiled the na tional record of Notre Dame In 1922 and 1923, Notre Dame ha.*» been beaten four times In the last four years. Nebraska beating them three of the four times. 'Ihe Army is the only other team that has the honor of defeating the Indiana team during that time.