CORNHUSKERSARE HUNTIHC BIG GAME Want to Book Contest for Kext Year to Take Place of Annual Kotre Dame-Nebraska Classic. The University of Nebraska athletic department is making a country-wide effort to get a big intersectional football game to take the place of the Notre Dame-Nebraska game a« the annual classic on the gridiron here next year. Wires have been sent out by Herbert Gish acting athletic director, to some of the leading institutions of the country in an effort to land a contest. One of the nearby schools whicn the athletic department had hoped to land was Minnesota for a game at Lincoln but the Gophers have a heavv schedule and could not arrange it. The main trouble ha.s been to get some of the big com^ to Nebraska this year, but this is what is wanted at Nebraska. With the Thanksglvtng game with Washington at Seattle, the Hjiskers have no big game outside the Missouri valley. The athletic department is ing to take on any school in the .4 country and does not cafe how big a reputation it has In grid circle.s. DuTtmouth, Yale, Harvard. Princeton, Pittsburgh, f*enu State, 1 enn- gyivania, or ino.At any school ol national reputation is welcome pro vidlng they will come to Nebraska this year. Wire Many Schools. ,\ large number of schools have been ft*lt out l»y the athletic department but no favi'rable response.^ had been received Thursday fore^ noon, according to Herbert Gish, i On account of Notre Dame's break-, ing so late with the Huskers it is a| little difiicult to hook up vvlih U| team now on account of so many ; schedules being clo:-'d. '1 he ath-, letlc department, however, expect.- to havN a big Interscctionul, game on the Hidiedule next year if it is IHJSSlble to get it. The valh y schedule next year with the elass ot teams that are now in the valley will furnl.^h some of the most interesting contests that the Nebra.ska fans have seen for years. There is rot a team on the schedule from the. valley that will not give Nebraska a hanl tight. The valley oattles are getting to be real baltlct,. Drak»* and Mi.-.a)uri < took the measure of the Huskers MISSOURI FOOTBALL CAPTAINS pete JACKSON, • CARL BACCHUS. When the rniversity of Missouri football team trots on the lield ,or ".ilr u,,,.nlnK In they «111 b. 1.-.1 by l«o ca,. «1. This unusual result was brought about as a nil (’«rl lot ng twice The tWo pilots are Pete Jackson of St. and ai] H- rchus of Kansas City. Jackson plays fullback and ended the 192.> oro' ieasoras in the Missfuui valley. Bacchus was selected .Ml MLssourl valley end. and greatest wingmen in the game today. He Is a giant, weighing 19 . out covers the chalk lines irom goal to goal in ten seconds.—I . & A. pressent of Notre Dame university and chairman of the athletic board, and he is maintaining a silence that is baffling to the squad of newspaper reporters that have been keeping a vigil on the Notre Dame campus since early Monday morning. From unofficial sources it Is rumored that the reason back of the cessation of football between the two schools lies in the retusal of Nebraska to extend tlie contract' which expires in 1926 and give in the Morning Dume a game In 1927. W o r 1 d-H e r a 1 (i Coachi ^ reported that Drake is quoted as saying succeed Nebraska on the ’Notre Dame schedule and thai Creighton will also be given a Víame. BREAK NOT DOINGS OF KNUTE ROCKNE Notre Da« e Coach Quoted in Omaha Paper as Saying He Did Not Cause Cancellation of Game. In a special dispatch from South Demi published Oniaha Hocknr ... ihc break between Nebru.«ka and Notre Dame \va.-< none of his doings and staled that personally be did noi see anything wrong. The ortd-llerald dispatX'h lollow's: of the has and and II. and ' a S )Uth Dend, Ind., D* c. 9. -'I'ht IhUlaïrseisin"può^pècis ^Iv^òd lea.ou tor breaking cdT athhTlc re- rtlly HUUHU« Ü5» in Al^IViX. • ,7 V aarv' . especially is counting on) that has developed in Nolrt •' . I.* .1*1 ,.î — ciifx/vA trìAt at the oilier sidiools ami .some of ihetu do not a.s luuiiy nu'U Irom their varsity H<iuads as .Ntbruska. .Missouri . . u great team nexi year and the game between the Tigers and the Huskers shouM be one of the bin features of the grid season here next year. iHlions iHdweeii Not!«' Dame and N*'b-;'.-ka, which began eleven yt'iirs ago. i.s the biggest mystery • ■ ' Danie Houth power THE CALL OUT~0 f ‘ d 00RS | 1 > will 11. ttilK. ii fool ball circles siuoe the Bend institution has been a ot the gridiron. Knute Rockne, coach of the Notre Dame team, declared ^ the break wa.s none of his doings. “Fer- uouh ID. I ilo not see anything wrong.” he said. “We were treated as well as we always have be.en : hl Nebraska.” I The key to the mystery Is held ' b> the Rev. George Finnegan, vice CoeHeads Ames Team. AMEH, la. Dec. 10.-^U.R) Roland (Bud) ('oe of Ames, loWa State college end during the past two years, will pilot the Cyclones thru the 1926 gridiron season. Coe, star kicker on the 1925 team, was elected at a banquet given by Fresldeut R. A. Pearson last night. He was graduated from the Ames high school and Is now a Junior veterinary student. Huuth Hciul. In.L—At C. Ryan, general »ecretary of the Notre Dame alumni aaeoctatlon, personal »»wretary to ('oach Knute Rockne. and huslne-w manager of the deiiartment of athletic» at the unl- veratty, haa resigned. He will become connected with a local Hnance company