re- 1 of CRETE DEFEATED. The Doane Boys Draw a Duok's Bgg at Crete Baturday. Despite the cold wind of Saturday about fifty enthusiastlo students went to Crete and saw the State University eleven defeat the Donne college team to the tune of 33 to 0. The two teams lined up In this order: V. of N. Doane. Stull ..Williams Anderson. Porterfield Jones .Center Rush. ..Right Guard. . .Cope '.'..Right Bnd.. ...Left Guard. ..Waterman Parr Patton Yont . tlyde Left Tackle.. Church Left End.... Pace Quarter Back Leai Pllnnln T.fift Half Dank M& Johnson .... Rleht Half Back Puller White jjtiu uacK oween T.vman rrainhn of t.h university teat up the game With the V, but by a forward pass forfeited the ball to the U. of N. The ball was passed to Fllppln, who maue a run oi tnree yaras arouna tue rloht. no IHn hv th snlendld interfer- enr.e of Gantaln Johnson. Johnson then hard and repeated rushes the university boys carried the ball to Doane's goal-line ouahed Johnson over the line, thus accr- mt. the Orel tmiRh-dnwn. White runted out, but the TJ. of N. forfeited the ball make the required five yards in four trials, so the ball was again given to the U. of N. The second touch-down was Dy persistent duck-. Full-back White kicked goal making the score 10 to 0. The next touch-down was made In this way: The U. of N. started the wedge, after salnlnir about five vards. FllnDln broke away to one side, pursued by the entire Doan eleven, the boys "who play game Decause iney love iv a clear field for Sklles. who really Inir. White' failed tn kick coal. At boys anywhere near the U. ot N. coal L In the second half the Univer sity bova tlaved with less spirit, while the Doane team played desperately to save themselves from a shut-out. Fuller made one good run lor twenty yards, but usually be was downed by Pace before he could get a start. Sweeney played a brilliant game. He Is a good i was made by Flip- twenty -nve yard lint almost the entire length of the Held, beating uowi This goal virtually ended the game, al- spirited playing after It. Score 38 to 0. Of the university team Jones. Ckurch. Sklles and Anderson deserve especial mention for their good work, trnppm, Pace and Captain Johnson played their usual good game. tme both There is University of Nebraska will be able to hold Its own against any foot ball team in this part of the country.