MANAGER OF THE ST LOUIS BROWNS SPEAKS TO STATE UNIVERSITY Y M C A Drench Rickey manager of the Bt I-ouis Browns and one of the best known base ball men In the country fiwke to tbe State University y m C A last night and waa given an enthusiastic reception and most attentive bearing The speaker wax introduced by Prof J J Tlgert By practical examples he sSowed that a man's life was governed by “raufes" and that In order to control his life he rhonld take care of the causes and let the results take care of themselves’ choosing however the causes with deliberate care He gave a number of examples to demonstrate h!s point and luck he said had no place In the lexicon cf life for there vTas no such thing as luck Luck he point- 1 out Is the residue of design and is governed by rxuses which are generally In the power of the man himself to gorern Mr Rickey compared the conxe-qnenrPs in a man's life with the result of a base ball game in that the “at bats putouts assists errors and hits" were equally applicable to each and bore about tbe same relation Sacrifice hits he said were made by the nun who waa willing to sacrifice himself to advance others In life as well a In base ball and should be regarded os Important as they really were : Mr Rickey spoke very highly of the State base bail team snd said that when he used to be the Michigan roach the University of Michigan team - always considered the Kentucky game which has been the first on the Michigan schedule for ceveral years one of the hardest games on the Southern trip READING