Gbebbels Says Jews v ' Will Leave Theaters - "' '-" " - J j;-. '-'.'if (By AssocUted press) ; "v'r BERLIN, May 9. Dr. Joseph Geeb-bels, Kazi minister .of public enlightenment,' believes the theater la one field In which the Hitler lovernment need not take' measures to oust the Jews. He predicts the public gradually will force them out. Chancellor Hitler's propaganda specialist told a meeting last night of theater owners, directors and stars that the government has no Intention oMorcing the theaters to produce propaganda.- He died the present revolution as an excellent sample of drama ""enacted In the daily streets." I "German art ;a the next decade will . be heroic,! steely; romantic and devoid of sentlmentaUlty," he assert ed. "It national with great pathos or it will not exist." , Further restrictions on Jews were Imposed today in. revised civil servica regulations. , ws maintaining of fices because- of war service must now xhnvr thtv underwent firs' in t,h roar . and those who were ever identified with Communists or the Republican j war veterans nsautmuun are uarteu. This applies to such posts as Judges, I professors, notaries and police. Light colored clothes attract more than dark ones. flics I I I I