EINSTEIN'S WORK TO GO ON (Madison State Journal) Albert Einstein, the great Hebrew scientist, will join the faculty of the Hebrew university at Jerusalem. Germany's loss is Palestine's gain. The world will welcome the news that Prof. Einstein is to have ample opportunity to carry on the research work which has produced such valuable results for science. Prof. Einstein was driven from Germany by of the Hitler regime upon members* of the Hebrew race. The reflection of the citizens of civilized countries to the attitude of the Hitlerites toward the Jews was well summed up in a recent address of former Premier Lloyd George of England. He said: "Every man who is guilty of those brutalities in Germany 18 penning on his own breast the badge of inferiority. He acknowledges that he feels beaten by Jewish capacity." The wrongs the Nazi have inflicted on Prof. Einstein and other Hebrews in Germany are beginning to have an echo that is being heard around the world.