Monthly Weather Report WEATHER REPORT MONTH OF APRIL April 1933 Maximum temperature April 29 72 Minimum temperature, April 14 27 Mean temperature for month , 45.5 Total precipitation 2.54 Inches Oreatest amount in 24 hours, April 5, 1.10in:hes Snowfall, April 12 '. l inches Thunderstorms, April 9, 29, 30. Days clear, 8; partly cloudy, 15; cloudy, 7. Prevailing direction of wind, northwest. April 1933 Maximum temperature, April 22 v 78 Minimum temperature, April 12 24 Mean temperature for month 46 Total precipitation 1.53 Inches Oreatest amount in 24 hours, April 6 .53 inches Snowfall, April 4, 11, 25 Trace Thunderstorms, April 4, 6, 29. Days clear, 14; partly cloudy, 9; cloudy, 7. Prevailing direction of wind, Southeast. Berlin. Cologne Universities Drop 30 Jewish Professors (By Associated Press) BERLIN, May 3. The opening of the summer semester at German schools and universities under the auspices of the Hitler regime has been marked by the dismissal of 30 professors from Berlin and Color-:: universities. Meanwhile the students federation of the former institution has inaugurated a boycott against Jews remain ing on the staff, contending that "the German student resents having the principles of knowledge and thinking set by Jews." . "It is the duty of every German student," the federation declared "neither to enroll in Courses nor to hear lectures given by Jews." Among the 21 .professors ousted from the Berlin institution was the noted cancer specialist, Ferdinand BlumenthaL Incident with the announcement of the ousting of the professors, Bern-hard Rust, Prussian education minister, admonished. the students: "Do not allow yourselves to be misled by isolated lapses of professors who fail to comprehend the signs of i the times. I shall expel both them and students who cause disturbances." The student situation .was complicated by the fact that the new German law governing the matriculation of non-Aryans, due now for publication, is not ready. Thus -Tews seeking admission to higher schools of learning are unable to enter. The new law specifies that Jews hereafter will be admitted as students only in proportion to their percentage of the whole population. Eugen? Fisher, professor of antho-pology, eugenics and heredity, has been chosen to head Berlin university, replacing Edward Kohlrausch, who declined renominatlon. The resignation of Prof. Moritz Borchardt, noted for operations on World War maimed, as chief surgeon at Moabit Hospital,, has been announced. He stepped out, it was explained, for political reasons. With 50 leading representatives of organized labor under arrest and independent trade union headquarters all over the Reich occupied by Storm Troopers, Chancellor Hitler was free today to mould the unions Into a single institution. . In lightning raids on the free trade unions offices throughout the whole country yesterday, Storm Troopers moved in, arrested Socialist union leaders and announced that hereafter the organizations would be of national rather than the former International character. SEGUIN RETIRES AS CITY FIREMAN Served in Department 28 Years; Succeeded by Ralph Stein The resignation of John Seguln. 725 BabcocL street, who has spent 2E years in the lo:al fire department hns been tendered to Chief James Welsh, taking effect May 1. Mr. Seguin, who is now 65 years old, retires on a pension which is available to firemen after a certain ni'mber of years of service. Most of the 28 years in the department spent by Mr. Seguin was put in at station No. 6, where he was serving when his resignation went into effect. Russell Sundby, Farwell street, the first In 'line on the waiting list of applicants for the department, be comes a relief man to take the place of Ralph Stein, 603 Kendall street, GRAND. OPENING Gordon Hotel TAVERN 222 Wisconsin Street Wednesday, MAY 3rd DINE AND DANCE GOOD MUSIC Table Service at AH Times. All Newly Decorated and Plenty of Parking Space. EVERYBODY WELCOME! ' r. E I I