TrumanLets 48 Refugees Stay in U. S. ,,,. - ' . . , Jear-oia tna agu went oacK to ner; seat m tne tmra graae ot uesu pa- rnrh a srhool toriav anxious rn learn iT"H.i, ; hV cVT "6'"" vc. . ?don.ViUone thP nrinal Pron of is Estonian refugees who sailed into Miami on uut 21 aboard a 38-foot fishing ;lop after a g.ooO-mile voyage from ' Sweden " gha s'iarted to school in mid-SeD-' tember and was doing fine with her English vocabulary. Father James ijiijiijii . A li Ll It. 1 w cl II C C Loeffier said, until she and the other: it -af,,nnA ; i,,.- , .i WItri 30 other Estonians who came in later, were placed under border patrol guard Thar was flp'nVipr 17 anr? cirtp then rho ti mpr. m.i.H ,:of , hp thrpp hoars nhi! rhp 14 nT.mpn and two ,-hilriipn livprt in a 1 s.mnm : house which is Miami headquarters! 0i ine ooraer patrol. President Truman said Saturday they could stay in this countrv. de'-l spite the absence of visas and the! m'facl that lheir immigration quotas ' ,ere filled. M Sews o: he presidential order was cameo to tnem by their mend and advisor. Father Loeffier. who said that -little Eha could return to school today. me oiners will remain in custody 01 immigration authorities until the official order for their release comes : irom vvasnington. .