RUSSIA WILL AID CZECHS Secretary Hull Defends Policy Of This Nation By Hobart C. Montee (United Press Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON, March 17 (U.P.) - Speaking to a world alarmed by threats of war. Secretary of State Cordell Hull today declared the fate of international civilization may hinge upon success in bringing international lawlessness to a halt. Hull presented a comprehensive statement of United States' policya re-statement. in careful phrases of his pronouncements and those of President Roosevelt since mid-summer of 1937. CADET BAND FROM OREGON STATE TO BE HERE MARCH 25 Will Play Concert in L. H. S. Auditorium; Dance At Zuber to Follow. Leaving the Oregon State campus at the end. of the winter term, the R. C, cadet band will spend the spring vacation in musical engagements in cities of Northern and Eastern Oregon. The trip will be the thirty-third 121 the history of the band and is sponsored each year by Kappa Kappa Psi, national band honor society. The Itinerary for the band tour includes 10 concerts beginning at March 18 at Oregon City. The noon to La Grande March 25. band comes Programs for the various cities include sacred music, military marches and concert arrangements. "We believe that the program we have planned will be liked by every audience. It contains many types of music and should appeal to everyone." Captain Harry L. Beard, wellknown director of the band who has been Its leader for 33 years, states. Every Tuesday night at 8:30 o'clock the band may, be heard on a special program over radio station The band is an accredited Reserve Officers Training Corps military band and is organized and controlled by the department of milltary sclence. It is rated among the best college bands in the country and has played in many parts of the United States on 'Its various tours. The Oregon State band under the direction of Capt. Beard will appear in the High School auditorium Friday the TEST NEARS ON MERGER' BILL TODAY F. R.'s Reorganization Measure Opposed; House Considers Naval Bill. WASHINGTON, March 17 (U.P.'The senate moved toward a vote today on a test amendment to the administration reorganization bill while the senate finance committee cast about for revenue sources .to replace funds lost through any revision of the undistributed profits tax. Debate preceding the vote on the reorganization pill amendment Was bitter with charges by opponents that patronage and coercion had been invoked in an effort to win admin• istration support. The amendment on which the test is scheduled would strip *President Roosevelt of farreaching powers vested in him under the proposed bill. Its author is Sen. Burton K. Wheeler, D., Mont,, and Wheeler and Sen. William S. Boreh, R.. Ida., were the main bill's most severe critics today. The Wheeler amendment would require congressional approval of any transfers or reorganizations of bureaus and agenoles. Borah charged that "White House promises* have been made to doubtful senators. House Reading Naval BILL The house began reading the billion dollar naval expansion bill for I amendments. but passage was not expected before Monday, Opponents seek to strike authorization for three more battleships Majority leader Sam Rayburn, D., Tex. warned the house today that before next January it may be called upon to vote defense appropriations even greater than the pending 01,- 121,000,000 naval expansion measure. Former Senator Daniel O. Hastings of Delaware urged a senate judiciary subcommittee to strip most or the restrictions from the Borah-O'Mahoney corporate licensing bill and substitute A system of voluntary registration. P. M. Rarig, of St. Paul, Minn.. told the senate relief and unemployment committee that the works progress administration is: about twice AS expensive as direct rellef. Rail Committee Named A special committee to draft 8 | the 1ong-range $26,000,000,000 program to railroad rehabilitate industry was named today at the conclusion of President Roosevelt's second conference and BULLETINS SALEM, Ore., March 17 (U.P)Klamath Falls eliminated Dallas in a consolation game in the state basketball tourney today, 42 to 22. Thurston High, conched by 8 woman, eliminated Adama 36 to 24. Salem High was eliminated, losing its secend consecutive overtime game, when Woodburn, neighbor team, won from the host quintet today, 36 to 34. PORTLAND, Ore,, March 17 (U.P.) -Portland maritime workers will not join in a CIO counterboycott against AFL-manufactured lumber as result of action of Columbia river district counell No. 3 of the Maritime Federation of the Pacific, after two-day session. SEATTLE. March 17 (U.P)-The state demanded today that Dell and Claire Richardson hang for the "bathtub" murder of Richardson's wife. RIO DE JANEIRO, March 17 plot to overthrow the Brazilian government has been frustrated, the government announced today. LOS ANGELES, March 17 (U.P) -Capt. E. H. Fitzgerald, federal conciliator, called another conference today in an effort to settle labor dispute that has tied up Los Angeles harbor, MOTHER OF SEVEN CHILDREN SLAYS SIX-SURRENDERS "I Had No Money And They Are Better Off Dead," Woman Explains CENTER, Tex., March 17 (U.P)Mrs. Lillie Mae Curtis, 38, shot six of her seven children death in their sleep last night, SherMf J: Femple of Shelby county reported today, The killings occurred at the Curtia home 22 miles east of here. "I had no money and they are better off dead." Mrs. Curtis told Sheriff Sample. The dead: T. O. Curtis, 13; CHoria Gene, 11: Billie Burke, 10; Robert, nine: Margie Dee, seven; and Marcia Jack, five. M:a. Curtis spared her caventh and eldest child, Travis, 15, and sent him for officers. The children were killed in their SITUATION IN EUROPE FAR FROM BRIGHT Insurgents Bombard Barcelona and Capture Caspe On Aragon Front. REVOLT THREATENS BRITISH CABINET Poland Hopes to Settle Dispute With, Lithuania -Suicides Continue in Vienna. I purlfication La signatures, 50. hotel are prestdent To critics of American policyespecially these volors raised in congress against the naval exparsion program and against any progeam of parallel action with nations whose objectives coincide with America'sHull declared: "The triumph of this seclusionist viewpoint would inescapably carry the whole world back to the conditions of medieval chaos, conditions toward which some parta of both the eastern and western world, are already moving." Hull did not mention by name Germany or Austria, or the Hitler coup, but he left no doubt to whom he referred as treaty breakers and nations whose action tend to international anarchy. U. S. Has No Alliance He said flatly America, has: no alllance or understanding--as has been charged--with any foreign nation, and has na intention of forming any. He asserted this nation proposed to continua to reupcet the rights and interests cf all pence loving nations, and intended that all other nations respect American lives, property, and rights in all parts of the world. While pursuing a policy of peace with all nations, Hull said this government will not permit its defense forces to deteriorate when other nations are arming to the teeth. He said that our present, neutral. Ity law is not a panacea fo:; peace. WINTER TERM AT NORMAL SCHOOL •COMES TO CLOSE Final examinations for the winter quarter were completed at the Eastern THE SITUATION TODAY: Moscow- W. Litvinov aaka for mossures against aggressor nations: promises Russia will stand by Czechoslovakia. Barcelona- City subjected terrifying nationalist air raids. London--Revolt against ernment's "do nothing"* spreads and possibility of union cabinet forecast. Burgos -Spanish Insurgents 'occupy Caspe. Vienna--Wave of suicides continues. Berlin- Reichstag may be dissolved for election of new chamber to includo Austrian representation. Paris- Cabinet authorises money for armaments: gets conridence vote. Warsaw--Poland taking "suitable steps" to settle border dis pute with Lithuania. Shanghai- Japanese continue to withdraw from positions north of Yellow river. MOSCOW. Marek: 17, Maxim Litvinov. foreign commlasar. today affirmed Russia's determination stand by her treaty obligations to Czechoslovakia and Invited other powers including the United States to confer on practical measures to check aggressors. His invitation did not Include Germany, Italy or Japan. "It may be too late tomorrow. said Litvinov, "but today the time Continued on Page Four