BULLETINS * SALEM, Ore., March 16 (U.P)- - Amity High defeated Adams, 42- 30. in opening basketball game of the state tourney this afternoon. WALLA WALLA, Wash., March 16 (U.P) Judge Matt Driscoll, Pasco, In a memorandum decksion handed down in superior court, today upheld constitutionality of Walla Walla's antipicketing ordinance. WASHINGTON, March 16 (U.P.) -President William Green of the American Federation of Labor announced at the White House today that the federation would work with the president and congress to seek enactment of wage-hour bill this session. PORTLAND, Ore., March 16 (U.P)-The West Oregon Lumber company will go out cf business unicen its labor troubles are ended. A. E. McIntosh, president, said today in a letter addressed "to our employes." PARIS, March 16 (U.P.) - Pascal Montmartin, Austrian consul general who refused to hoist the nazi swastika over the consulate after the German occupation before resigning his post, told the newspaper Oeuvre today that fighting is going on in Austria.