U.S. OFFICIALS IN BERLIN DISTURBED OVER ALLEGATIONS Nazi Press Service Charges "Atrocity Lie Factory" in Connection Jewish Situation. BERLIN, Apr. 4 (P) -. The govern-| announced today that the anti-| semitic boycott will not be resumed Wednesday. The Nazi party, which called the one-day boycott last Saturday, reserves the right, however, to reinstate the boycott in the event the "atrocity campaign", 1s resumed abroad. Jewish quarter in the eastern sec•tion of the city inhabited by poorer classes was raided today police force assisted by Nazi auxiliarles. Streets were closed and pedestrians were halted while houses were searched for weapons and papers. Worshippers leaving synagogues were searched and those not carrying double identification cards were arrested. Some printed matter and a few weapons were confiscated. American officials in Berlin were disturbed over an allegation by the Pagerman press service, edited two Nazis, that "an atrocity lie factory has been set up in the American consulate general." The service claims the American consulate, like the Polish, collects accusations of Eastern Jews against Nazis. George S. Messersmith, United States consul general, said: "We strongly resent these unwarranted implications and will by proper representations, insist on immedlate stoppage."