in " a be for the the al'lesper- tiie a.. v.1 his y,-ing Heats a Ghost Story. The Rockingham (N. C,) Spirit of tins South, is entitled to tne bonors 01 cue Beason. It says: "The Rev. Mr. Lind-sev, who formerly resided and preached in this county, was aoie to uuao " was born four montns arter nis momer had been dead and buried Here is the explanation: His mother, who resided in btewartvnie iowubuijj, m "u j fell ill and, to all appearances dead, and was buried in Stewartvule cemetery. The night following her interment ghouls, for the purpose of securing some jewelry that was buried with the body, unearthed the remains, when consciousness returned, and she was enabled to return to her homo, Arrivin g at her late residence she rapped at the door, and was answered by her husband, who demanded to know who was there. To his great as tonishment the answer came: 'It is your wife.' He was not quick in opening tho door, but finally did so, and was overjoyed to meet again in life his beloved wife, whom he had mourned as dead. Four months afterward the Rev. Mr. Lindsey was born, and she survived several years. This is indeed a strange story, but we are assured that it is liter ally true.