Lawyer: ALFRED (AP) — There is no longer enough evidence to hold a nun accused of running over his girlfriend with a van according to his lawyer Raymond A Wood 38 is charged with killing Bessie Selek 41 while she wfs walking on Route 202 near their Waterboro home April 20 He confessed to hitting her with his van after they argued pros- ecuton said and is being held with- out bail at York County JaiL - But court documents filed by SMe can’t prove hit-run killing Case Wood’s lawyer Joseph M Wrobleski Jr say the state’s case is falling apart Wood’s confession was confused and there have been reports that another vehicle in the area ccordin8 to the court documents “Once again it looks like the state has foe wrong guy and wants to try the wrong person for murder” Wroblesld said Wednesday The lawyer planned to ask a Superior Court justice on Friday to release Wood on bail while awaiting trial scheduled for February "”18ia“l 'llurncy 'Jc“cr“ Andrew Benson could not bc Aimt Attorney General "f” ‘"fl hit-end cle j Se A defen inveMig- aatnn hari tion found at least four people who reported seeing a sport-utility vehi-Wrobleski will ask the court to cle with a damaged headlight speed- t j ttr J fliolit ftcV because of his criminal record and Wroblesld based his argument on a report by state forensics experts who could not confirm that hair and blood samples take from Wood’s van were human The report also said that there was no front-end damage to Wood’s van that was con- " swuiwni Wiu OSA UIG WUU1I IU fdludr ““P1" !° foe US Fish and Wildlife Service in Oregon which has the technology to determine whether they came from an animal - “The obvious assumption is that this sample was roadkill not Bessie Selek” he said Wroblesld believes another vehi- GIG W1U1 R UOUHCU HCOUUgltt BJ1GCU- in awa from the night Selek was run down according to court records Wood’s rnnfwip was mnAiinri and was prompted by police state- ments that hair and blood on his van came from Selek said Wroblesld who plans ask a judge to throw out any statement Wood made to police i Wrobleski said other evidence shows Selek had a blood-alcohql level of 28 more than three times the legal limit for driving and had been seen walking in the road Wood and Selek were in an off-and-oji relationship since Wood moved to Maine from Flprida in 1997 She told friends that Wood abused her and had him arrested for assault