DOUBLE WEDDING A double wedding was solemnized Monday afternoon at the home of the Rev. Eikenberry at Delphi, when Miss Opal Raider, of Yeoman, became the bride of Emory Fulks, of Monticello, and Miss Edith Pauline Downs, of Monticello, became the bride of William Raider, Yeoman. Mr. Raider and Mrs. Fulks are brother and sister. The impressive single ring ceremony was used. Charles Raider and George Fulks were attendants at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Fulks left after the wedding on a honeymoon trip to Warsaw. Mrs. Fulks is a well known young woman of White county. Mr. Fulks was graduated from Monticello high school and is employed as a clerk at the Russell grocery store there. They will reside in Monticello at the bridegroom's home. Mr. Raider is employed as a painter and his bride is employed at the Thread mills, In Monticello. They expect to move Marion for residence within a short time.