A STAGE WAGGON ROBBED. WHERE AS, on Wednesday Night the 29 of January last, the Gioucester Stage Waggon wa robbed of ievcral Portrnanteau Trunks, the Prcperty of Mrs. Tracy, cf Sandiweil, in Gloucestersliiic, at the King and Queen at Wheatley, in OxfordJhire ; which iaid Trunks were broke open in a Field adjoining to the Town, and robbed of divers Things of Value, arnong which were the following, viz. A Mourning Ring, with a purpie Stone., set round with fmall Diatnonds; the Infcription Anne Traccy, dlcdihe Tftß of ütlober, 1761. Another Mourning Ring, v ith a Chrystal Stonc, and a iinall Diamond on cach Side of it; Infcription, Jch Tracy, died April the 19 h, 175. Another Mourning Ring, with Hair fet round v.ith fmall Pcarls; Infcription, The Ha;. Jahn Tracf, dled Jbff tke 2Z, 177z. Together with other Rings, enclofed in a fmall Chip-Box, among Cot ton Wool ; but the Box and Cotton WoqI were lest behind.