Lost vuc.il iierateoiiy Says Missouri' WASHINGTON, May 5. (iP) Viewing the Nazi , slaughter-pen of Buchenwald convinced the youngest member of congress that present- dav Germans are a "lost generation. Thirty year old Rep. M. T. Bennett (R.-Mo.), upon his return from Germany told today of the smelly horror of the German atrocity camp which bears the inscription Kecha oder Unrecht Mein Vaterland. "My country right or wrong." a a Just inside the gate, be said in an interview, stands a newly erected memorial built by those prisoners who could still walk. Across it is scrawled the grim reminder "51,000 died here." a a The congressman related that his own skepticism soon turned to rage when he saw hundreds of emaciated dead heaped up like firewood 10 layers deep. He described the disease-wracked bodies of the living' dead whose stomachs caved in to meet their backbones. He told of the stench in the crematory where scrawny bodies of the dead were shoveled into six specially constructed ovens to be burned and lated dumped as fertilizer in a nearby field. a a a "I was from Missouri and I had to be shown," said Mr. Bennett, who at the invitation of Gen. Eisenhower was one of the first 10 American civilians to see the camp. But x found conditions worse than any pictures or descriptions You have to smell Buchenwald to know what it is really like." LEGISLATURE ENDS WITH COMPROMISE Hawaii's 23rd biennial legislature passed fretfully and sleepily Into history shortly before 3 this morning.i Late hour compromises settled all remaining business; Tired members of the house and senate, many of them still irritated after their bitter controversies that added the extra 3 days to the normal 60 day working period, went to their homes and hotels, and most were quite ready for bed. After effecting a compromise on SB 380, the omnibus pay and bonus bill, deadlock over which had resulted in the governor extending GOVERNMENT PAY RATES SET BY LEGISLATURE Following are the pay rates set by the 1945 legislature for government employes. The compromise plan was effected by house-senate conferees