Prewar Immigration Quota Is Resumed WASHINGTON, Dec. 24. (JP) -The United States held out a prom ise today of merrier Christmases to come for thousands of Europe's nomeiess war rciugees. In a directive, President Truman cleared the way for 39,000 of them a year to be admitted to this country. He ordered the resumption of normal quota immigration, saying the action, by applying to displaced persons of Europe, provides an opportunity for America to set an example for the rest of the world in cooperation toward alleviating human misery. Emphasizing that the number to be admitted "will be strictly within the limits of the present quotas as Imposed by law, Mr. Truman pleaded against the enactment of any further restrictions. He stressed that nothing in his order will "deprive a single American soldier of his wife or children of a berth on a vessel homeward bound, or delay their return."