LESSON OF GERMAN BESTIALITIES Editor The Star-Bulletin: There seems to be one angle in connection with the reports that come from Europe that is not getting the notice I think it deserves. Gen. Eisenhower has extended an invitation to members of congress and editors of newspapers to visit Germany and witness first handed the atrocities and barbarities of Nazi inspired Germany. I wonder if these men will bring back more than just the surface facts concerning the bestialities they will be witness to. I wonder if the things they see will strike a chord of remembrance that will shock them into realizing the signals and the warnings those shattered bodies spell out. Will they see in those mutilated men the death of a nation? Will they see in the destitute women and orphaned children the price paid for intolerance and bigotry? Will they remember that Greece, Rome and Spain were once great nations and great empires, and linked with their downfall was the intolerance of racial and religious differences? God grant that these men see the truths and the lessons while they witness the facts. . . . They will return dumbfounded at what they saw and awestruck at the parallels in our country that made those atrocities in Germany possible. Their contribution to posterity and to our country will be limited only by the fervor of their denunciation of those evil forces in our country that supported Fascist ideals before and lean in that direction today. Their support of the Four Freedoms will be gauged by how much they impress the American people with the truth that without racial and religious tolerance there can be no freedom. MILT SCHORR, Navy Yard, P. H, Shop 51. a