After Daily Continuous LOVE ME' TONIGHT urith JEAN ETTE Bernice Claire in Red Shadow John Stuart in Mr Quincy of Monte Carlo OVER THE JUMPS ALSO GRAND NATIONAL PICTURES PARAMOUNT British Sound NEWS Exclusive Release ABBEY ROAD TORQUAY lloSffi — 1045 Phone 2324 Premier Provincial Presentation : Week March 27 and all the Week March? 27 and all the Week PRICES OF ADMISSION OPENING CEREMONY MONDAY MARCH 27 at 215 pm by The Deputy-Mayor Councillor d’Espiney DOORS OPEN 1 pm BARGAIN Prices DAILY 130 till 230 Stalls - 7d Circle 1 - including tax After 230 paily Stalls 7d and 1 - Circle 16 and 2- DOORS OPEN 2 pm MONDAY ONLY Matinee Tea Ticket 2- Inclusiv Tea and Show (except Monday March 27) in aaaj ae When visiting the NEW CINEMA you should call and sec our BIG SELECTION OF RADIO SETS and RADIOGRAMS Over 30 1933 Models in stock All-Mains Sets from 3 - weekly We have a big selection of Gramophone Records including those from “LOVE ME TO-NIGHT” CLARKE'S 11-13 ABBEY ROAD - TORQUAY Telephone 302 1 for a Free Home Demonstration Opening Of The Royal Cinema At Torquay Kingskerswell Public Hall In aid of the funds of the Kingskerswell Pcblic Hall a whist drive was held last jveijjng Prizewinners : Ladies — 1 Miss E Allen 183 2 Mis E Kordr 174 3 Miss M Heard 173 cqn iclarion 'most losing hands 1st half) Mrs : JkrwdJ1 9 — v-rr Gfcnts— 1 Mr F Dart 176 2 Mr E I YTiteham 174 3 Mr W Isaac 172 con-It&ftcfi (most losing hands 2nd half) Mr C w Lbngstaff 10 It R Sprague was tlie MC Other People’s Money Mi Joseph m H indie of Holmcctt 10! Cecil-road Paigntpn retired chemist and druggist who died January 30 last aged t8 years left estate ofthe gross value oi £4C48 with net personalty £4019 Pro-Kite has been granted to his widow Mis Edith Man- Hindie of the above address Tind - Wjihanr Evans Govrer and Wi lfre4-Gorier bot hot 29 Grove Hill-road Hans-worth Birmingham Thi lion tfubs bdtfi it BtUfcl Zco this week have died TO reconstruct the Royal Theatre Torquay into the Hoy a I Otnemu caHod for an an hitectural teat tar above the ©ternary It was planned to turn the whfolo of the interior arrangement around having the wereen where the back of the original auditorium -tool and the curie and rear end of the cineTn where the former stage was built and m addition to this the work had to le carried out on puiniMV that gave out on e rwo different road levels It would Iv ne exaggeration to say that Mwere Healing and Overbury of Cheltenham in tcii-junetion with Mr Ik 1! Narracott of Torquay have carried out a wonderful piece of work in rebuilding the theatre and special credit must go to Mr Narn-cott as the builder for th- ala nty as well as efficient y with which he has carried out hie part of the wxrk THE BIG PUH The site of the new pros-n ted a very animated -appearance wit n a Herald ariM txpres report r called 'here by invjtaUon of the management to se the progress made Painters J&pcr-hanCer- carpenter builders elect rici ms (and a host of others whose busin g - were not so apparent) were working a f high speed for it w?r burned this wa th- great push ’ in order that -when on Monday at 2 15 the doors w r opened everything would beoompietc from the extensive heating apparatus to the aujo-matlc ticket deliverer r Jsomo idea of the extent f the ah in-tions effected nriy b gathered from the fact that o'er 200 Aon of tvment 100000 bvicks and five inihs of wiring have vanished into the interior of ’h spacious premises It might be an exaggeration to say that th- reporter thought that these figure were a rv conservative estimate wheiC trying to :nd Abe manager s office or when he disentangled his shot from every foot of wire but however under the skilful direction of Mr J Yickiuy who js to b assistant manager of the Hoy a! th nniir difficulties quickly vanish'd and something of the of the d sign r and decorators-was visualised through the hordes cf scurrying workman and the widespread accessories apparently - essential to paper-hangers and piat rers Tide' proximat !y S49 f i-oh- but t -spite thus figure l-h r will b-- no cramping g t-qiie 'ini an i n't- n? mu b s i n paid to ventilation In-Tall- i i?i t!' roof ai extra-tor far- vig-- u!i ! tope w it !x any smok-or fum - h- mi::' an- from anv part ofthe hou- A WOMAN’S HAND 'Probably th most striking part ? thy whole building is tin cb-v r scheme Miss I M Vickery who s ! be temporary manager w s respotv-’diV for this and the finished effiict i- a tti- w hi 1st Mr 'll Richmond of the West rn ! Elect r i mpary wa m charge of the oaid part vt the apparatus fit f ties jiujsI juterest ing of th- i tvhni--al 4'ius was th- transformer by j Newtons id Taunt n- tie first of it' -i ly tins firm ill a 'lUsi hUp : intended circle or leaning agxinM tin wui even sum iiu -gatin ring t- g th a tslk— -thev pi i v- rv like m tiiit htve v 1 1 f - In t to h small rder on A w ho vv-f about iif of t r: - - Ij: tout Eh-- two btttre qwAkt— baiaio—d i I- hud in in h to -i:i! :i d bv tle !rput v -Mavor c f Totquav L!ianf th cinema manag- behm pi:eM A THE-OPSNING PRODUCTION !i Th film L e Mo To-niht ” is i bus-d o5! a phiv by ! opali March and Paul rm nt w 11 1 shown at the ja f r th whole of next week 'I -rev :u p turxx starring rT'ii- a!p-r lv Me To-nnjht i- hum r!' and whunsical vein and ! in us c M c t f th- niual n j- p ! ut-u- d ! tin :Ki' all written bv Richard Hedger s:-l M k i v j and I n Hart noted song writing jiist - it iff i eomKinHtjoii -vr-sungly the Kiync’Lstar :rnp b: t hcji ! ami M: - Mu Donabi but other lm-mbers m p ‘i I i s but -j ef ? he a st ji n m at one t :nn or another : ! th U‘l:t:cir ht-- hi valo r : vast a - " th-' best little ex ) i- ' i tailor j! all E' ranee ” — a busmt-i man H w nt tn t- out that it i a "4th i h g heart and little funds When SW! full s nearer ti they ouM hear for tiicenuml pny i i w r- l‘-gn d that vi hall " - rv 1 uil : SDUND APPARATUS N- p ' ’ mo ter ear Hngb a -count orders 16 suits fre in h tri'and th n fails to pay for them he Vhaii'2 i his ta’tic- and sets put for lh cist’e in which Kujzjj!!s live with h-i u eh a’ d incul nt i!l In- tousm !d to eolbvt - him oft as a 1 irc: to ma n it's e th' sicrl NOW and while costs are at their lowest order with the place your CONTRACTOR FOR THE Royal Theatre Cinema Also Builder of — — Carnegie Library Grey Curs Garage New Pavilion South Devon Technical College West Hilt Schools H E NARRACOTT DUNMERE ROAD TORQUAY TEL 20S4