After 21 Continued from Connecticut page will issue the warrant and may be awaiting additional forensic information from authorities, the sources said. Lee said his office has delivered a lengthy scientific report on the case to Bailey's office, but he would not discuss its specifics. "We did some DNA testing and we did some serology testing," Lee said. Lee said, some additional tests, which his laboratory was not able to years, new complete, have been sent an outof-state laboratory. Those results could take weeks or months to complete, he said. The evidence from blood testing in the 1980s ultimately freed the only suspect brought to trial. In 1984, New Haven police arrested Anthony Golino of New Haven, an n acquaintance of Serra's, and charged him with her murder. Golino argued his innocence, but was brought to trial. Three weeks into the trial 1987, court-ordered test of Golino's blood showed con- *4 THE HARTFORD COURANT: Thursday, July 21, 1994 D9 30 Connecticut news suspect clusively that he did not kill Serra. He has type A blood, as she did. Following Golino's acquittal, the case remained open and active, largely because of John Serra, the victim's father. John Serra wanted the case removed from the New Haven Police Department and the New Haven state's attorney's office, whom he held responsible for Golino's arrest. At John Serra's insistence, then Chief State's Attorney John Kelly took charge of the case. The case passed to his successor, Richard 928 targeted in New Haven killing ice Palmer, and then to Palmer's suc- information. keep the case alive. cessor, Bailey. Little direct evidence has been "I represented Anthony and I can** Although Bailey had the case, his collected in the case. A bloody, par- tell you they screwed this case up office applied for the new arrest tial fingerprint was found at the once," Keefe said. "I just hope warrant after a disagreement with scene. Also, an attendant at the ga- they're awfully careful this time. New Haven State's Attorney Mi- rage was handed a bloody parking Without concrete evidence, they're chael Dearington, whose office still stub by a driver exiting the garage. going down a very treacherous has jurisdiction. One source said The attendant recalled the driver, road. that with the unsuccessful prosecu- but not the complete license plate "John Serra deserves a gold med-: tion of Golino, Dearington wanted on the car. al for persistence. Any number of to obtain a confession before bring- New Haven lawyer Hugh Keefe, parents and relatives would have ing another suspect to trial. who represented Golino, urged au- given up on something like this, Bailey would not discuss details thorities to move cautiously on any walked away. But he was the of the case, and Dearington did not new arrest and commended John squeaky wheel that could not be return a telephone call asking for Serra for having the persistence to ignored."