Ocrosea 28, 1910. THE LOCAL AGENTS Orroara 2S, 1910. THE LOCAL AGENTS CLARKEA.Cc" PROPIRTY MXPIRTII. HARROW, PINNER A WEALDSTONE. No. 813 THE LOCAL PAPER For Harrow, Wealdstone, Wembley, Pinner, Stanmore, Northwood, Sudbury, Harrow Weald Northolt, Greenford, Alperton, 'Ruislip, Eastcote, Cricklewood, and Willesden. HARROW FISH COMPANY, 16, Greenhill Parade, Harrow, Dave OPENED their Market, and are now selling Good Fresh Fish at London's Lowest Prices. A Visit will repay you. Come & see what we save you. SPECIAL LINEENGLISH PLAICE ... 6d. per lb. Rabbits, Poultry, Game in Season. SCHOOLS AND LARGE INSTITUTIONS SPECIALLY CATERED FOR. NOTE.—This is not a STORES. We do not STORE our Fish. We SELL it. W. YEARSLEY, STATION ROAD, GREENHILL, HARROW 10 Years. ?be Bast How for Watch, Clock & Jewellery REPAIRS. Electro-Plating (17 (Opposite Teshalool folioed). P.O. Telephone : 194 Harrow and 3528 Mayfair. Our CHOICE, UP•TO•DATE, and well-kept STOCK of GOLD, SILVER, AND AND Gilding. SILVER-PLATED GOODS. WATCHES, CLOCKS, 220 t. WEDDING RINGS, 18c4. KEEPERS, Gan & Engagement Rings. BMoshas, Lockets Chains, Necklets, Bramiets, Eta.. are unequalled, and offered at incomparably low figures, for good quality and high finish. YEARSLEY, GREENHILL, HARROW. And it 68, PADDINGTON STREET, LONDON, W. AUTUMN WEAR. Overcoatings, Suitings and Costume Tweeds *. FOR PRESENT- SEASON AT POPULAR PRICES. W. J. NEWMAN, TAILOR AND HABIT MAKER, 38, St. Anne's Road, Greenhill, Harrow. UNDIR THE PATRONAGE RK. OF HARROW SCHOOL. ZSTABLISHZD tAr 1893. J• H. CHATHAM, ..litTafl:l% BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, HIGH STREET, HARROW. Sole Agent for the celebrated "BECTIYE " Boots & Shoes. ALL FITTINGS, SHAPES, SIZES AND HALF-SIZES. A Large Assortment of Football Boots & Shooting Boots. Evening Shoes. Noted House for Children's Easy-Fitting Hygienic Boots and Shoes. Dr. Davies' Triple-Spring Arab Support. Certain Provention for Ilatfoeteetneee SPLENDID VALUE (P. 8.) SCOTCH WHISKY AT 3 / 6 per bott. 5 years old, and 21 under proof. Ask for P.B, (Penrose Blend) FINE HIGHLAND SCOTCH WHISKY (5 years old). E. PENROSE STEVENS, 7, ROXBOROUGH PROMENADE, Tel*,lose: OS7 P.O. Harrow. GREENHILL, HARROW. 10 4T , 4 1 V &E r., V4G _4 _. 4 M.ll FRIDAY, OCTOBRE 28, 1910. wv , wlr !no . CT> <=> C> 1. • A A A - 4 TO DAY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1910, at 2.30 in the - Afternoon, . . rrrim HARROW CINEMA THEATRE THE THEATRE DE LUXE, . Situated in THE BROADWA Y, Next TECHNICAL SCHOOLS, OPENS and the Proprietors trust that their efforts in the production of a thoroughly up-todate and luxuriously appointed place of entertainment will result in your regular patronage of the H.C.T. You will never be disappointed with the Programmesthey will be of a uniform standard of excellence, and we firmly believe that the H.C.T. is going to become a real acquisition to Harrow. Admission 9d., 6d., 3d. Programmes Changed Twice Weekly, MATINEE Every Afternoon 2.30-4.30. EVENING PERFORMANCE 6.0 -11.0. v/ - - - - \ am al•-• a. •sublio. REGISTERED AS A NEWSPAPER, Telephone: 1013 Nat. Harrow, Telephone: 44 P.O. Northwood. Teliaphono: 46 P.O. Pinner. HARROW PINNE NORTHW _ ppreci, HARROW, ANTHRACITE of a]l kinds kept in stock .21u INI >/Ve 4t g " : l -, c des-4iis :4-v1 HOSKER'S AT HARROW for Baby Carriages. Why purchase of Cycle Agents, Furniture Dealers, and Stores, when you can save money by buying direct from the mauufacturers, HOSKER & SONS, (Branch Shop', 28, ST. ANN'S ROAD, GREENHILL, HARROW. There a Large Stock of Baby Carriages, Model Dolls' Carriages, Toy Motor Cars, Cloth and Fur Rugs, Weather Aprons, Fittings and Accessories can be seen. EVERY CARRIAGE MADE IN OUR LONDON FACTORY AT KENSAL RISE HEAD OFFICE: 28, Chamber Jayne Wood Road, London, N.W. ERNEST A. J. CAMP is now making a grand show of NEW GOODS for Autumn and Winter. _ Smart New Blouses from 1 11. • Knitted Golf Jerseys 311, 4.11. and 511 Trimmed Hats in the Correct Styles at very moderate Prices. In the Drees Department will be round the Latest Materials In the now colours• UP-TO-DATE GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. A Large Assortment of VEILINOS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, BELTS, RIBBONS, LACES, ORNAMENTS, UMBRELLAS, GLOVES, HOSIERY. Tbia is an important branch of our business, Dressmaking Department : and we can guarantee every aatisfaction ih FIT, STYLE AND QUALITY. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO WEDDING & .MOURNING ORDERS. LONDON HOUSE, HIGH ST., HARROW. THOMAS PITHER, BUILDER AND DECORATOR. 'ERATIONS, DECORATIONS AND GENERAL REPAIR& Workshops: CORNWALL MEWS, WOODRIDINGS, PINNER HOUSES FOR SALE or TO BE LET. THOMAS PITHER, Oraemes Bank, Royston Park, PINNER. APO, to ;CLARKE.C° rporsitry MXPZATII. HARROW, PINNER & WEALDSTONEI ONE PENNY, "I tt 40 11P .r . " , *t. T g t f a W a If • 1 h sit ) 146,300 ,. - - 2 7 - ESTABLISHED 1845. rholesale and HEAD OFFICE: Retail Coal TRY College Road, MY COAL HARROW. Eerchant. FOR QUALITY --- -- - )eP°U— F. W. PAGE Branches— Station Rd., ARROW, AND PROMPT NORTHWOOD. PINNER DELIVERY Station Approach, AND —ll,- Pinner. ORTHWOOD. Station Approach, HARROW, . - 21/ JAPP Y 6..... /It " ,-„.4.asvp R-F • t • • ; Vire , ...• • I •'"" t- •. - ••• II - 1 ; ' di . r ;it,..! t!t • J. A MASSEY AND SON, OLD-ESTABLISHED COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS, MARBLE, STONE AND GENERAL MONUMENTAL MASONS, HARROW. Memorials Renovated or kept in Order. LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES to SUIT ALL CLASSES on APPLICATION. DISTANCE NO OBJECT. 'Phone : 435 P.O. llAnnow.