NEW YORK, (A)-Three hun-| dred filly British refugee children arrived unexpectedly on the British liner Samaria Monday-18 hours after the first contingent 71 reached New York on the Scythia, of the newcomers were with parents guardians and most residences arranged. They ranged from babies to 'teen age, the average being about 8. Mast of them had experienced air raid alarms but none was found who had been in an actual bombing. * * * 350 CHILDREN REACH N. Y. Most of British Had Experienced Air Raids; Average Age Is 8 The Samaria left Liverpool, with about 800 passengers, June 30, only 30 miles abead of the Arandora Star, the British internment ship which was torpedoed. Formation of "the national child refugee committee," to organize local committees over the country and co-ordinate the activities ot various groups already active, was announced Monday. The national child refugee committee, under, the leadership of Marshall Field, and the honorary chairmanship Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, was formed extension of the U. S. committee for the care of European children. * * * Well-dressed and well-fed, 71 youngsters disembarked from the armed Cunard-White Star liner Scythia Sunday, although not before they had taken tea. Almost all were accompanied by parents OL' attendants. The mass migration of some 20,000 refugee children to Canada and the United States is yet to come. Comment on the war was I summed up by 14 year old Peter SchoiT, who remarked: "The English want the Germans to come over so they can have a showdown. 1 was sorry I had to | leave. I wanted to see the show."