own WM MB MOE El LINER WITH REFUGEES TO RETURN HAVANA June 2 (4P)—The German liner St Louis took on fuel and provisions to start back to Germany Friday with 917 German-Jewish refugees forbidden to set foot on Cuban soil—an order backed by a threat to tow the vessel outside territorial waters with a gunboat The refugees most of whom had hoped to land pending entrance to the United States thronged the decks of their floating "prison" women wailing at the growing in-& dications of enforced return to the land from which they had fled Efforts were made to keep the passengers unaware of the actual sailing orders for the master of the ship had expressed fear of a "collective suicide pact" Port police boats were ordered to escort the St Louis out of the harbor and pick up any passengers who might leap overboard Cuban marines were held in readiness for any emergency that might arise in carrying out President Federico Laredo Bru's order that the St Louis leave Havana Capt Gustav Schroeder of the St Louis had expressed fear of a mutiny among the passengers if he put out to sea again and one passenger had attempted suicide He slashed his wrists and leaped overboard but was saved - The refugees including 500 women and 150 children were forbidden to land because they lacked Cuban consular visas passports and labor department permits They held only provisional permits of the immigration department to land as passengers en route to the United States LINE NOTIFIES CAPTAIN -- OF SHIP TO RETURN - HAMBURG Germany June 2 UP) The Hamburg-Amerika Line nal (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4) LINER Tn Ri s : '