THURSDAY NOVEMBER 17 1938 FACTOR INFLUX NEW PROBLEM FOR TEXAS SY STAFF CORRESPONDENT AUSTIN Nov 17--Because of what is termed an influx of physieans from foreign couutries seeking to practice in Texas the State Board of Medical Examiners is planning to ask the Legislature in January to Emend the Medical Practice Act so as to require that only naturalized American citizens shall be able to take the examinations The board now is in Austin conducting examinations The majority of foreign applicants It was explained are German Jews but there are some from Mexico and other countries One physician from Mexico seeking the right to practice would require an interpreter in taking the examinations and the law may be changed to require that all questions and answers shall be in e English language Nearly 100 Jewish physicians have tome here from Germany There is so desire or effort on the part of board members to discriminate against Jewish physicians but there is fear that the number of foreign physicians may become so large that a halt may be necessary While the board was in session ran Moody former Governor representing a foreign physicians demanded that his client be given an examination and that if refused he would seek a district court mandamus The board has agreed to this examination along with a few others !axle() gives little or no recognition to American physicians it was explained and seeks to discourage them from entering that country Mere are reports however that a reciprocity plan may be attempted either in the Legislature or at Washington He E D the Church will dinner incoming of the MIAMI Frank E publisher was "so recent President re-election He said misunderstood Tuesday President term and "I President Gannett said I added it defeat him I am so elections Roosevelt term "A Republicans him and It was ck biit there are some other countries Or Mexico seeking the would require an it jig the examinatic tray be changed to questions and alISN the English languas Nearly 100 Jev:isl tome here from Ge so desire or effort hoard members against Jewish phy is fear that the nt physicians may bec a ha:t may be nece While the board Dan Moody former senting a foreign pl ed that his client amination and thz would seek a dist damus The boar ells examination a others Mexico gives lit nition to American explained and see oit them from enteril There are reports reciprocity plan m either in the Li Washington --------moto 1::::::--::'::: ':-'-:::::':::: :-: :: ::' ' tts--s' - ':- e- k ----4 f - --: tY : t ::1i: -:-:: 'I: :: f-47!r:''''' --:: i : i:::i" :' ' : : ii::::::::'::::1::: ' : :- - ": : 7 '4 " TI1 1I